Sales of one of the legendary Luger .45 caliber, which were prepared with the personal intervention of Georg Luger for the selection trials for the U.S. Army. They would have built only 4 of these weapons, which still leaves up for auction now leading in number 2.
The history of the gun, and something about those tests to select the new gun (which eventually won the Colt M1911) can be here.
estimate a selling price of between 500,000 and one million dollars. Right now I grab unchanged.
Puppies receive antibodies (protection against diseases) through breast milk (colostrum). Once they are weaned the immunity starts to disappear and that is why it is necessary to establish a vaccination program to protect them against common infectious diseases.
If these kittens are vaccinated in this country with three cats, a vaccine that protects against herpes virus, calicivirus and feline panleukopenia virus.
Herpes virus and calicivirus are responsible for causing or feline rhinotracheitis feline respiratory syndrome. This disease is characterized by primarily affecting young cats and cause fever, sneezing, conjunctivitis, nasal discharge, and even pneumonia with a fatal outcome for the puppy.
The feline panleukopenia virus can cause abortions, neurological and gastrointestinal signs such as vomiting, diarrhea and fever.
Another vaccine that can be applied in cats is feline leukemia. This disease causes a deficiency of the immune system and tumor growth.
The vaccination schedule as in dogs is variable and depends on the epidemiological situation of the place and race in certain cases. In general one of the most widely used is as follows:
2 months and 1 / 2 --------- Triple feline leukemia 3 months and 1 / 2 --------- Triple feline leukemia and rabies ---------------- 6 months
getting vaccinated against rabies are given the owner a valid certificate to the Ministry of Health, the current document is required when a pet bites a person or another animal and implementation of travel outside the country.
then once a year, your cat will have to re-vaccinated with all vaccines listed above.
Here's a video on vaccination in adult cats. The vaccination protocol changed slightly since this fact based on the reality of Argentina.
To prevent disasters caused by the continuous growth of the nails of cats, use of wipers (rope or carpet poles) as early as possible. The ideal is to play with the kitten in the area where the scraper to suit him and learn to use it. You can cut the nails wherever necessary with special nail clippers for cats.
Below I present an excerpt from an article in the following websites
"If their claws are white (as are in Most cats), it is easy to where to cut. Use good light and you'll notice a pink tissue inside the nail or claw starting from its base. This is comparable to the difference enter the one next to your skin, and the part that grows beyond it. Never cut the pink part of the nail is painful for the cat, who bleed everywhere. If in doubt, it is preferable to cut less nail, even if it means cutting more often "
" Cut the portion on the pink part of each nail, not to mention the spurs. In cats, spurs are only present in the forelegs, about where humans would have our thumbs. They do not touch the floor. Some cats are polydactyl, and have up to seven claws on one foot! Normally there are four per leg, with a spur on each of the front legs. The rear legs do not require trimming as often, and in many cases is not even necessary to do so, they do not grow as quickly and are not as sharp. With practice, it will be possible to sustain any of the four legs for cutting nails. "
usually internal parasites found in the digestive tract of our pets. In some cases they can be placed in the lung, kidney and heart.
cause thinning, dull hair and messy, malaise, vomiting, diarrhea, anemia and predisposition to infection from other diseases by reducing your pet's immune defenses.
are eliminated through the feces and can spread to humans (zoonoses). Therefore it is very important to follow a deworming schedule for all pets.
This deworming schedule varies depending on geographic location and risk having the animal on the types of parasites that can spread. The model most commonly used is the following:
The canine and feline cubs, they begin to deworm at 14 days old worming drops, the application is repeated every 15 days until they are 3 months old.
Then, from 3 months worming tablets (pills) every 3 months throughout his life.
There are some variations, such as deworming once a month from 3 to 6 months and followed from 6 months onwards wormed every 3 months. The protocol to follow is defined by your veterinarian depending on the product to use and risk posed by the puppy.
Remember to always check whether the parasite to use is the exclusive use of dog, cat or simultaneous use. There are products specified for lead poisoning in dogs cats and vice versa, so always consult your veterinarian.
Here's a video on hydatidosis.
Video which highlights the importance of deworming.
Puppies receive antibodies (protection against diseases) through breast milk (colostrum). Once they are weaned the immunity starts to disappear and that is why it is necessary to establish a vaccination program to protect them against common infectious diseases, which are (for details see separate diseases):
- Coronavirus and Parvovirus: Viral diseases that cause gastrointestinal upset in puppies, studying with diarrhea, vomiting, fever.
-Distemper viral illness that causes respiratory and nervous mainly nasal mucus.
-tracheobronchitis: viral disease that causes coughing mainly pneumonia may develop.
-Leptospirosis, a bacterial disease transmitted mainly through the urine of mice. Cause kidney and liver damage mainly.
-infectious Hepatitis viral illness that causes a picture gastro and nervous.
The vaccine schedule for dogs is variable and depends on the epidemiological situation of the place and race in certain cases. In general one of the most widely used is as follows:
Age 45 days .................... parvo-corona virus 2 months and 1 / 2 ................. More ... Sextuple coronavirus (Eightfold) .................... 4 months Sextuple more coronavirus (Eightfold) 6 months ........ More Sextuple rabies more coronavirus (Eightfold) Rabies more Sextuple coronavirus (Eightfold) should be applied all subsequent years.
The rabies vaccine is given to the owner a certificate valid at the Ministry of Health, the current document is required when a pet bites a person or another animal and implementation of travel outside the country.