CIPROFAM President Rev. Fr. José Linares reaffirmed his support in the Cathedral of Lima to the concentration Homosexual
Rev. Linares José Cerón and his sons Joseph and Ashley Linares
LIMA, PERU .- (AGENCIALAVOZ.ORG) In your Facebook account wrote that Catholics will fight with their prayers and rosaries and evangelicals committed through the intercession, binding the spirits of Sodom and Gomorrah.
The International Prayer Ministry has summoned its advocates in three points of Lima, on Friday was an advance team to tie the spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah, so there is no violence and protect God's servants. Recall that Linares Cerón convene and coordinate with Catholic leaders and other faiths to make a human chain and not allow the advancement of gay culture in the Perú.Linares said in a virtual conference pro-life leaders of Spain, "In Family not touch it, is respected, and we will respect, "he acknowledged that in Peru, is now the moral example of the worldwide fight in defense of the Family.
your Facebook account in an hour ago, wrote: Well everything is ready, we went out to greet each assembly point where they are coming to the brave men and women of God!. To me what matters most is to please God, I want my children and my offspring will grow up with the same formation, that my parents taught us that the family is natural heart of man and woman. Given the cowardice launched by social networking for gay groups, who did not attend, among other offensive words, they know friends, half laughing, I'm a word man, do not let anyone let alone the gay communities, doubt my word. I reaffirm my commitment to attend today, without a bodyguard but the company of God and his angels, a company of civil society, well I hope there at four in the afternoon in the Plaza de Armas.
Viva la Familia! That is the image of God in society not to the homosexual culture heterophobia Not.
What good, my brothers, someone says: "I have faith, if it hath not works? Can his faith save him ?............ Also faith, if it hath not works, is dead. (James 2:14-17)
Dr. Jose Linares Cerón
CHICLAYO, PERU .- (AGENCIALAVOZ.ORG) Now is the time that the church takes its commitment to God and society, moral care of our nations, because we are born again believers, because we are above all parents, do not let our indifference destroy the right to life of the unborn. In countries where abortion is legalized, the remains of the children are thrown into the garbage or down the drain.
Some body parts are sold, other are discarded, is a true genocide. Some years ago I saw with horror as abortions clinics in Spain and the U.S. implemented an informal mechanism, vulgar and savage little bodies were dumped in landfills. I know my pets, I give him a proper burial, but the unborn are treated as garbage. So take the initiative to move the conscience of our activist, (some years ago) to go beyond the duty to defend the unborn but to fight for them, against their murderers, went to Valencia Aquarium Clinic group 12 leaders accompanying me, I decided to sit in front of the door of the abortion clinic, we began to pray mentally, with our signs of protest, with that came the Civil Guard to evict us, many received blows, but did not respond with violence, in my case only had pain in my soul, I said, "as we humans have a life of sexual disorders are so irresponsible." They become murderers, and then followed in his sexual debauchery, then follow aborting. OR EVEN THE ANIMALS have these abilities. For those irresponsible should be punished with harsher laws, but that is another matter. After the Civil Guard chief in command called Carrillo, seeing that the blows did not budge me, approached me and said "You are strong in your ideas, endure the pain, then I started to mourn, and I said: Because you cry , I answered: It is for your children and my children, was all he said. I saw him and walked away confused. Then I looked around there were more than a hundred people who had taken the streets, all sitting next to me at my side I saw a young nun and priests, then children, my heart is glad, but what we did that day landmark in the history activism works, now in Spain is made of such plants. In one of my lectures, a man approached me and said: I'm Officer Carrillo, told me that his daughter had died in an abortion clinic, who had known the gospel, never forgot the words that I said that sit- I said, was a warning from God for you and for all. Today Carrillo was a believer in Christ and a pro-life activist. We must confess to society that in recent times is near, but while we have freedom, fight for our children, FOR THE LIFE OF THE UNBORN, until you hear the trumpet of God.
Whoever confesses Me before men, him will I also confess before My Father which is in heaven . And whoever denies me before men, him will I also deny before my Father in heaven. (Matthew 10, 32-33)
is our duty as Christians to remind politicians THAT:
The fundamental human right, which gives life to all other rights is the right to life.
the discretion of the pregnant woman can not override the right to life of the unborn. The decision of a woman over her own body can not include the decision to take the life of their newly conceived child. Every human being in its first months of life is helpless in the body of his mother. This situation of dependence upon the mother-situation in which every human being without exception has gone, can not be used or exploited to take away life, or for any reason whatsoever. Furthermore : There is no such thing as the right to decide on people's lives. Any right of a person-in this case, a woman starts right ends where another person- in this case the right of the new human being lodged in his body. No one never has been "body part" of his mother, no one has been or leg, or his eye or kidney, nor his lung. Human beings are unique individuals who were staying for a few months in the body of our mothers. No person, no individual has the right to choose to take the life of another person taking advantage of the fact that this has just begun its existence and still is not exposed to public view.