HONDURAS .- (AGENCIALAVOZ.ORG) We are seeing gay movements are gaining an advantage and prominence in most developed countries. For about ten years, the strength of movements that defend the rights of gays and lesbians took booming to such an extent that there is a hidden policy to impose the ideology of gay culture at all levels of society, creating a pressure which I defined as cash Sodom and has produced the so-called conspiracy SODOM.
This conspiracy is to nullify the biblical principles related to what the Word of God which lists as "sin against nature" such action as it perverts the natural use of sex between men and women, to accept as normal the relationship same-sex rectal area, which from every point of view is contrary to nature itself. This was why God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, where it appears the term "sodomy" which is indicative of sexual intercourse of man with man. The attraction and consummation of same-sex people can tolerate the effect of a psychological problem, product diversion, and which every one must answer to God, but try to justify such behavior and even the normal marriage is unacceptable, both logically and theologically.
However, despite the fact that most Christian churches do not approve of such behavior, like Islam, the power of these movements is that the phenomenon being gay is imposed as culture and flood everything, so, that it is impossible to counteract this influence, so the gay conspiracy is gaining control of many countries, legalized what is unacceptable, because of which many preachers are a victim of sanctions and jail if they dare to attack such measures called " rights of sexual choice. "
10 years ago the company established the Disney World parks gay day in entertainment center, establishing a precede that has spread worldwide. Also companies producing television series and films, following the slogan of Sodom conspiracy, there crept into his productions gay and has been treated to approach this behavior as funny, normal and natural. This has given way to fund organizations promoting gay rights, which have millions of dollars to finance their campaigns, shows, publications, litigation, infiltration and manipulation of congressmen and representatives to support from the various conferences of the nations the passage of laws favorable to their purposes. But they have also gone further and have introduced key people in positions of social and political influences which are camouflaged homosexuals working for these groups. In many countries people with political and economic power are agents of gay philosophy, funding its aims, so establish a society where gay is accepted behavior like that of normal marriages, with rights to marry, adopt children and to proclaim his teachings.
This "conspiracy Sodom" wants to reach even further, are seeking to overturn the theological concept regarding what is defined as an aberration homosexual and is approaching the height of promoting the creation of a Bible censorship remove such action, and even presented to King David and Jesus himself as "gay", using texts handled them, such as the relationship of David and Jonathan, and Jesus with his beloved disciple, John. Has also prepared a booklet on sex education which presents homosexual and lesbian behavior as normal and natural, encouraging students not only to its acceptance as normal, but encouraging such behavior. Already been given for gay groups that have gone to U.S. schools to expose how happy they are in their idyllic relationship. There are cases where evangelical churches in America have been sued by gay groups because they have preached against such behavior, and there was a case of a Swedish pastor who was sentenced to jail for attack from the pulpit gay marriage [ 1]. Time is not far when we condemn prohibit and prosecute such action as sin. Dr. Jose Linares
Cerón, a Pro-family leaders most important and influential in the world says the goal of Sodom is conspiracy "to destroy heterosexual marriage. In fact, very few of them want to "marry." But the homosexual political movement turns on the requirement of marriage to change society and eliminate an institution would not believe. The most subversive action can be undertaken by gays and lesbians is to transform the whole notion of family. The homosexual activists do not want to be "like other families." Rather, it wants to reach all families are like yours, for which the key is to remove archaic and outdated concept as fidelity, monogamy, commitment, fertility, parenting, etc ... But we know who they are. And we are ready to face them, as the false prophets of Baal "[2]. have been countries, like Honduras, where he stopped for the legalization of gay marriage and amended the constitution to make clear that "marriage is considered a union between a man and a woman", but does not guarantee that such victory last long, because within the political parties gay conspiracy that put their agents and indeed, have enough money to buy consciences and means to manipulate the laws to their targets. Mexico, Argentina and other countries supposedly conservative Catholics have accepted such measures legalizing gay. Protestant countries like the United States [3], Norway [4], Denmark, Holland and Germany are on the same path. Spain [5], the bastion of conservative Catholicism, has a law equating gay marriage to normal very strong, and even gives them the right to adopt children.
We must fight, not to deny gays the right to run their sex as they please, but to prevent immoral and wrong become a cultural and "moral" in the scale of social values, prophetically but we can not deny that immorality, depravity and apostasy from dominating the world (2 Timothy Chapter 3). It's about time the world does not see a sodomized, and as a result, many Christians, faithful to the Word of God will be persecuted, imprisoned and even martyred. We know it is a pursuit for the true people of God (2 Tesalonicenses1 :5-7, 1 Peter 4:17). Ordering
a gay couple
Lutheran Another aspect is sad to see pseudo-evangelical movements approve the ordination of gay and lesbian pastors and approved by the Assembly of the Lutheran Churches in the USA [6]. Also, the Episcopal and Presbyterian churches [7] have opened the door to gay pastors. It's funny, but there are gay and lesbian churches since 1970, operating the largest in Texas with over 1500 members [8], as in Spain [9] and other nations. The promoters of this movement, which sponsors the "conspiracy Sodom", have adopted strategies to make certain evangelical movements sponsors of what the Bible condemns sodomy and support of Christianity.
Fight against anti-values, but be aware that the closer that the advent of the Antichrist, will prevail over sin and immorality as it is announced in 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2, 1-8. So that rather than fight, is inevitable in society sodomy, for which the wrath of God will come upon mankind. If God did not spare Sodom and Gomorrah, at least you can forgive this corrupt society.
Source: United Against Apostasy