MADRID .- (AGENCIALAVOZ.ORG) Clara is 15 and for several days out of high school to chat with a stranger. She now considers him a friend. Do not know your real age, where you live, what you do, how is your face ... Not knowing, can not even be sure that the name that identifies it is true, but does not care.
feel, or intuit, the danger. Because after the 'apparent innocence' of this new 'ciberamistad' may be hiding a pederast.
Although Clara does not exist, true stories like yours are starting every day in too many parts of Spain and the world. Experts agree: the grooming is coming to life in recent years. This is the "set of strategies developed an adult to gain the trust of the child through the Internet to obtain sexual concessions," says Jorge Flores, director of the initiative PantallasAmigas.
No data on its incidence (real complaint only 1% of cases), and there is nothing encouraging. Recently, the technological crimes prosecutor of the Office of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bRoberto Álvarez, announced that "cases have soared by Internet harassment. Outcrop subjects who do 'grooming' to minors."
A more users, more risk
With the Web it is the same "that out of traffic operations. A more cars on the road, the more risk of accidents. More and more kids are being incorporated more strongly to new technologies and this is a loophole for predators that unfortunately exist, "he adds. Up to 15% of children Internet users between 10 and 17 years received a sexual solicitation and 34% of them are sexual material that has not searched.
Therefore, parents should teach their children two fundamental things that can curb a bully in cyberspace: how to say no and seek help before it's too late. "The same guidelines that guide the day to day are those used when it is in front of a computer.
raise awareness among children about the importance of privacy to follow certain rules and learn to make decisions is essential. And, all, to tell their parents so they can complain. It is important to know that they will not be scolded or prohibit the use of the Internet. " PantallasAmigas director adds.
Surely, most have retained in his memory close some of 'grooming'. Like the under 16 years of Chiclana (Cadiz) who was raped by an adult, after contacting the girl through the social network Tuenti.
Without deviating from the 'ground rules' that mark the 'grooming', the rapist was slowly garnering the confidence of the victim, posing as a teenager. He later began to harass and coerce the girl to force her to stay with him, threatening to extend the Web images it had obtained through deception. Finally, the victim attended the meeting Conil de la Frontera where sexual assault occurred. The approach
with lies (pedophiles trying to contact victims using false identities or lying on age) for friendship. From then on, everything is triggered and becomes unstoppable. But the turning point, as the director of PantallasAmigas, comes later.
"starts later when the harasser has something to blackmail his victim," he admits. And it provides an example. "The 16 years of Santurce to which a young man of 27, stole the keys Bilbao Messenger, so you could get in and access their 'secrets' to sensitive information. He had at his disposal the list of contacts of the girl and threatened to publicize their private emails to friends. So it was that happened to ask for a picture and started to blackmail ... Finally, they were. The girl was scared enough to seek help from their parents, who alerted the Police who attended the meeting between the two young men that led to the arrest of the stalker. "
A survey of EU Kids Online, funded by the European Commission to strengthen the empirical evidence on which policies are based on safety 'on line', reveals that 9% of European children between eleven and 16 years has been the victim of a bad use of personal data (Such as password or personal information).
addition, 29% of Internet users has been reported in the past with someone who previously knew face to face, an activity that can be dangerous but also fun for the child.
The work has been carried out with 23,240 web users in 25 European countries, including Spain, and one of his parents, whom he met during the spring and summer of 2010. Also reveals that 8% of children had known contact 'on line' in real life last year.
Social networks are often the gateway to these bullies. Because they are too often openly displays all the information of their potential victims.
"Although no new risks that are already online, there are too many minor details that you can access any stranger. After locating his victim and gain confidence to try to convince you to send photos. In the moment when the stranger has something of the victim: images, information stolen software, hence the importance of adequately protecting the team, "begins to blackmail, coercion and threat."
To reduce the risk of 'grooming' in children, experts advise: Avoid installing
web cameras (webcams) or restrict use by a program or using keys or parental controls.
Place the computer in public areas of the house.
Educating children on the dangers of the network have to explain basic security measures to prevent each of them. In the case of 'grooming' never to disclose personal data or passwords to known Internet.
is important to know your contacts, and revise their social networks. Protecting Data
. Minors must not fill in forms which give your personal data, friends or acquaintances or family.
hours. It is important not to chat
Although Clara does not exist, true stories like yours are starting every day in too many parts of Spain and the world. Experts agree: the grooming is coming to life in recent years. This is the "set of strategies developed an adult to gain the trust of the child through the Internet to obtain sexual concessions," says Jorge Flores, director of the initiative PantallasAmigas.
No data on its incidence (real complaint only 1% of cases), and there is nothing encouraging. Recently, the technological crimes prosecutor of the Office of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bRoberto Álvarez, announced that "cases have soared by Internet harassment. Outcrop subjects who do 'grooming' to minors."
A more users, more risk
With the Web it is the same "that out of traffic operations. A more cars on the road, the more risk of accidents. More and more kids are being incorporated more strongly to new technologies and this is a loophole for predators that unfortunately exist, "he adds. Up to 15% of children Internet users between 10 and 17 years received a sexual solicitation and 34% of them are sexual material that has not searched.
Therefore, parents should teach their children two fundamental things that can curb a bully in cyberspace: how to say no and seek help before it's too late. "The same guidelines that guide the day to day are those used when it is in front of a computer.
raise awareness among children about the importance of privacy to follow certain rules and learn to make decisions is essential. And, all, to tell their parents so they can complain. It is important to know that they will not be scolded or prohibit the use of the Internet. " PantallasAmigas director adds.
Surely, most have retained in his memory close some of 'grooming'. Like the under 16 years of Chiclana (Cadiz) who was raped by an adult, after contacting the girl through the social network Tuenti.
Without deviating from the 'ground rules' that mark the 'grooming', the rapist was slowly garnering the confidence of the victim, posing as a teenager. He later began to harass and coerce the girl to force her to stay with him, threatening to extend the Web images it had obtained through deception. Finally, the victim attended the meeting Conil de la Frontera where sexual assault occurred. The approach
with lies (pedophiles trying to contact victims using false identities or lying on age) for friendship. From then on, everything is triggered and becomes unstoppable. But the turning point, as the director of PantallasAmigas, comes later.
"starts later when the harasser has something to blackmail his victim," he admits. And it provides an example. "The 16 years of Santurce to which a young man of 27, stole the keys Bilbao Messenger, so you could get in and access their 'secrets' to sensitive information. He had at his disposal the list of contacts of the girl and threatened to publicize their private emails to friends. So it was that happened to ask for a picture and started to blackmail ... Finally, they were. The girl was scared enough to seek help from their parents, who alerted the Police who attended the meeting between the two young men that led to the arrest of the stalker. "
A survey of EU Kids Online, funded by the European Commission to strengthen the empirical evidence on which policies are based on safety 'on line', reveals that 9% of European children between eleven and 16 years has been the victim of a bad use of personal data (Such as password or personal information).
addition, 29% of Internet users has been reported in the past with someone who previously knew face to face, an activity that can be dangerous but also fun for the child.
The work has been carried out with 23,240 web users in 25 European countries, including Spain, and one of his parents, whom he met during the spring and summer of 2010. Also reveals that 8% of children had known contact 'on line' in real life last year.
Social networks are often the gateway to these bullies. Because they are too often openly displays all the information of their potential victims.
"Although no new risks that are already online, there are too many minor details that you can access any stranger. After locating his victim and gain confidence to try to convince you to send photos. In the moment when the stranger has something of the victim: images, information stolen software, hence the importance of adequately protecting the team, "begins to blackmail, coercion and threat."
To reduce the risk of 'grooming' in children, experts advise: Avoid installing
web cameras (webcams) or restrict use by a program or using keys or parental controls.
Place the computer in public areas of the house.
Educating children on the dangers of the network have to explain basic security measures to prevent each of them. In the case of 'grooming' never to disclose personal data or passwords to known Internet.
is important to know your contacts, and revise their social networks. Protecting Data
. Minors must not fill in forms which give your personal data, friends or acquaintances or family.
hours. It is important not to chat
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