Sunday, April 20, 2008

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Read the full ruling here: Angel S. Siri

During the Peronist regime, police in the Province of Buenos Aires proceeded to the closure of the newspaper Mercedes, which was operating out without clarifying the reasons why the measure. Consequently, Angel Siri, director and manager of the newspaper, appeared in court claiming violation of their rights of freedom of the press and work embodied in Arts. 14, 17 and 18 of the Constitution
The editor of the newspaper claimed, first, he retired from police custody in the place where the newspaper was printed, and second, to lift the closure imposed. Siri
was filed with the court requesting the police be required to Buenos Aires a report on who had ordered the closure and the rationale of the measure. Requested the report, the Commissioner informed that a warrant had been issued by the "Directorate of Security Police" and that the motive was unknown. In these circumstances, the judge requested reports to the Chief of Police of the Buenos Aires Province, the National Investigation Committee and the Ministry of Government of Buenos Aires Province. All expressed ignore the causes of the closure and the authority that had been available.

judge, interpreting the request of Syria as a writ of Habeas Corpus, did not rise to the same reason that no violation of physical liberty of any person. Having appealed the decision of the court of first instance, the Chamber of Criminal Appeals upheld the decision Mercedes therefore concluded that the extraordinary remedy concerned making it clear had not filed a writ of habeas corpus, but it was a call to the authorities for violation of constitutional guarantees.
The Court reversed the decision of the Appeals Chamber ordered the police authorities to "cease with the restriction" stating that the constitutional guarantees invoked by Siri were restricted without a warrant or just cause and that these reasons were sufficient to were reestablished in full by the judges, "there are individual rights and protect individuals simply by virtue of being enshrined in the Constitution." Dissent

Dr. Herrera upheld the lower court decision the grounds that although the appellant had filed a writ of habeas corpus, had not indicated what action it was, and therefore the handling of the case had been carried out, with his agreement, according to the established legal procedures for habeas corpus. He also said that if it comes to protecting the Constitution should take account of the first paragraph of Article 14 which states "all inhabitants of the Nation enjoy the following rights under the laws which regulate the exercise ..." in these laws include defense, so that it can not accept a defense whose procedure is not According to current legislation. The judiciary can not ignore the text of the laws affected by accepting the defense because it would be trivialized breaking legislative division of judicial powers on behalf of

resource is created as a writ of amparo judicial remedy for protect all the rights enumerated by the Constitution, except those already protected by the writ of Habeas Corpus.
It confirms the supremacy of the Constitution to protect the rights enunciated by the Arts. 14, 17 and 18.

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The Executive Branch issued the decrees of necessity and urgency N º. 770/96 and 771/96 by which abolished the family allowances to workers whose wages exceed $ 1,000. Verrocchio affected by the measure filed a suit alleging unconstitutional under the above decrees violates the guarantee of full protection of the family, recognized in Article 14 bis of the Constitution.
The actor also alleged that the decree was founded in a situation of need and urgency. The injunction resulted from both the first and second instance, so that the treasury special federal appealed.

The Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the challenged decrees providing that the Executive had no authority to enact legislative provisions. He added that, to be from the issuance of the decrees of necessity and urgency should attend some of the exceptional circumstances namely that Congress can not meet for reasons of force majeure or the situation that would require legislative solution was of such urgency that allowed to await the enactment of a law by Congress, grounds that were not in this case.
also maintained that the judiciary was empowered to check that for Specifically there were exceptional circumstances alleged by the Executive. Competing

declares the unconstitutionality of the decree in question based on that art. 99 inc. 3 of the Constitution requires as a condition of validity of the decrees of necessity and urgency of the intervention of a bicameral commission permanent control phase, which should be created through a special law, not yet delivered. Thus the decree under review could not be issued because otherwise cease to be concurrent acts of two powers to be unilateral and discretionary acts of the Executive. Competing

noted that the Legislature passed 24,714 law which repealed the decrees in question as an expression of dissatisfaction with the rules under review. Dissent

Nazarene, Moline O `Connor and Lopez
accepted the validity of the decrees of necessity and urgency as its emission is a constitutional authority of the executive branch can not be subordinated to the dictates of a regulatory law. Otherwise the legislative omission deprive the president of a school that is specifically recognized by the supreme law. Also not essential to create a bicameral commission that Congress can control decrees. Finally argued that although 24,714 law repealed the decrees in question the annulled retroactively. Congress thus tacitly validated the effects generated by the decree during its term.

This ruling establishes the exceptional nature of the decrees of necessity and urgency, and the role of comptroller constitutional by the Supreme Court of the acts of government.

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Read the full ruling here:

The Court of Appeals in Federal Criminal and upheld the lower court decision that ordered Alfredo Portillo to provide one year of continuous service in the armed forces over the legal time provided by law 17,531 for failing to report to the Military District call Buenos Aires. Against this statement concluded Portillo extraordinary appeal on the grounds that the compulsory introduction violated his freedom of ideology and conscience, recognized by Article 14 of the Constitution.

The Supreme Court found that the 17,531 law, military service, was in keeping with the requirements inherent in the title of citizen. The question lay under review, the Court, in a tension between rights and obligations enshrined in two constitutional provisions, as the actor pretended not to service conscription 17,531 imposed by law, to regulate the constitutional obligation imposed by arming to defend the Nation and the Magna Carta and the right to freedom of belief, enshrined in art. 14 of the Constitution.
The possible injury to the legitimate belief of a citizen by the obligation of military service can also reach those who still do not profess any religious beliefs have established a scale of values \u200b\u200bbetween which occupies an important place of not compromising life of a human.
The Court held that the failure of the constitutional obligation to take up arms to defend the nation does not imply a grave and imminent danger to the interests protected by the State, as the service required to be performed in times of peace, and held that there was absolutely necessary to limit the freedom of conscience of the individual citizen to fulfill his duties while he was respected their autonomy, as would be provided an alternative service. The Court recognized that one can not ignore this area of \u200b\u200bautonomy, or weaken the effectiveness of the military service law allowing certain citizens are bound by what rules law, when in reality they can do what the standard imposes.
The Court held that although the rights are relative and are reasonable limitation on the laws that regulate, stressed that the obligations are as well, then freedom of conscience on, must be reconciled with the obligation, relative to arm. On this point the Court said in its own right arm is to dress up arms, but in a sense analogous is made available to assist the wearer through a wide range of services that by their nature allow citizens to meet their debt with the State while preserving uninjured area of \u200b\u200bautonomy as their religious or ethical person. For all this the Court's majority held the view of the original ruling as Alfredo Portillo condemned to one year of service plus the time allowed by art. 34 of the 17,531 to find justification for its refusal to report for military district, but withdrew from the Chamber as soon established that the method of compliance should not involve the use of weapons, paying a substitute service. Dissent

Dr. Caballero
Conscientious objection without merit because the imposition of military service did not prevent the appellant freely practice their religion, nor disclose or learn their creed.

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Marbury vs. Mouviel

Read the full ruling here: Raul

Mouviel and others were sentenced to thirty days in jail for violation of the police edicts about "disorder and scandal." The sentence was imposed by the police chief of the Federal Capital under the provisions of Article 7 inc. a) of the Statute of the Federal Police. This rule authorized the police chief to issue edicts, within its powers under it Code on Criminal Procedure and to suppress acts not provided for by law, in terms of security police.
This police action was appealed to the judge in the criminal corrections, who confirmed the measure. Against this decision, the defendants deducted resource extraordinary grounds that the existing fault system focused on police chief's head of legislative powers, executive and judiciary, which violates the principle of separation of powers.

Judges of the Supreme Court decided unanimously to place a special appeal, and overturn the conviction, noting that:
The Article 18 of the Constitution provides that no inhabitant of the Nation may be punished without trial founded in law preceding the process, in this sense, Article 19 states that nobody is forced to do what the law does not demand nor deprived of what it does not prohibit. Taking into account these two constitutional provisions can say that the principle is that only the legislative branch is responsible for establishing, through laws, budgets necessary for configuring a fault and the corresponding sanctions. The Article 86
inc. 2 of the CN indicates how the allocation of executive power to issue instructions and regulations necessary for the execution of the laws of the nation, without altering its spirit with statutory exceptions. This constitutional provision was invoked by the Supreme Court in previous cases in support of the faculty of administrative power to set certain standards of police. However it should ignore the fact that regulation is to make explicit a rule that already exists and that the legislature has given substance and contours. The Article 7
inc. a) of the Statute of the Federal Police to the administrative body empowered to issue and enforce edicts and punish acts not covered by national laws on security police, the generic allocation of creating faults exceeds the regulatory power of the executive branch and import delegation by the Legislature of powers that are unique and appropriate. In this way the administrative power vested in the legislative functions clearly violates the constitutional principle of separation of powers.

failure is established in the Executive Branch will regulate the details and circumstances of the actions suppressed, but this regulatory power presupposes the existence of a previous law sufficiently precise and defined by the legislature. Only thus respecting the principle of separation of powers that the Constitution mandates and giving effect to the guarantee of prior law established by the harmonious interpretation of the Arts. 18 and 19 of the CN
Marbury v.

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Portillo vs New York Times. Sullivan


In 1960 a group of People published a declaration in the New York Times, referring to the struggle of black students for their right to live in dignity, as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Mention was made of certain facts that have occurred generating a wave of terror in this sectarian groups.
The request stated that on one occasion, after students sang a patriotic hymn in the state legislature, its leaders were expelled from the university and suffered a brutal police repression. Also if you made mention of the persecution suffered by Luther King.
LD Sullivan, commissioner of the city of Montgomery, expressing grievance for such publication, initiated civil action for libel against New York Times to feel involved in the events described, and that his office oversaw the police department acted in the event.

The trial court upheld the claims of Sullivan and awarded the damages claimed. This decision was upheld by the Supreme Court of Alabama.
The Supreme Court of the United States reversed the decision on the grounds that although they were not accredited all the episodes described in the request, the debate on public issues should be open and uninhibited in accordance with the principles set out in the form republican government. So reasoned that the constitutional protection Press freedom is not lost on the false or libelous content of the publication, since otherwise it would give rise to self-censorship. Therefore, before the publication of offensive data to a public official, the liability of journalistic medium was conditioned to provide proof of malice, the news had been published with knowledge that it was false or with remarkable nonchalance about its veracity , ie the test was in charge of the applicant. For
Sullivan failed to establish that the signatories of the requested knew the falsity of the published expressions, or that they acted with gross negligence on whether they were or not true.
For the newspaper, the plaintiff failed to show that the New York Times could have detected the inaccuracy of the notice, checking your own records. However, the newspaper claimed to have relied on the goodwill of the signatories of the request and that the failure to concerned about making deeper control, was because the ad in question contained no personal attack, for that reason, although there was some negligence on the part of the paper, there was no proof of malice is required.
Note that it is not requested or indirectly referred to Mr. Sullivan, and had been given the opportunity to demonstrate that had not been involved in the events described.
In fact, three of the four arrests and even the bombing they suffered at home Dr. King, had occurred prior to Mr. Sullivan is appointed commissioner.

precedential This failure leaves the development of the doctrine of actual malice, which means that a public officer aggrieved by a false story, can not get compensation for injury, unless he proves that the media knew the inaccurate press publication or not bother to find out.

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Kot SRL The company had a strike by staff at its textile factory in San Martín (Buenos Aires).
The Delegation of Saint Martin of the Provincial Department of Labor declared the strike illegal, therefore Kot company ordered its employees to resume work within 24 hours. Faced with the failure of that mandate was laid off many workers.
After just over a month, the president of the Provincial Labour Department quashed the decision of the St. Maarten delegation and demanded the company to reinstate the dismissed workers.
Failure to reach an agreement with the company, the workers occupied the factory dismissed completely paralyzed, by what John Kot, manager of the company made a claim of misappropriation, asking it to vacate the factory.
The trial judge ruled the dismissal of the case and did not grant the request for unemployment claiming that it was a trade union dispute in which the workers are not attempting to occupy the factory to exercise a right of ownership and therefore Thus there was no encroachment.
The Chamber of Criminal Appeals of La Plata confirmed the dismissal. Against this ruling Kot filed an extraordinary appeal and the Court declared it inadmissible. Looking Kot
its claim of misappropriation did not give expected results, alongside other causes initiated. Before sentencing the Court of Appeals, appeared before the same deduction amparo for the evacuation of the factory. To invoke Kot was based the decision by the Court in the case Siri, freedom of work, the right to property and the right to self-activity, all of these covered by the Constitution.
The Chamber allowed the appeal not raised that it was playing a writ of habeas corpus filed an appeal against this decision extraordinary.

The Court ruled in favor of Kot, making the writ of amparo after the verdict of the Court of Appeals. Ordered to surrender to the textile factory kot free of any occupant stating that "the House Appeals is mistaken in considering the remedy invoked by the victim as a writ of Habeas Corpus. The person concerned lodged an amparo action by invoking the constitutional rights of freedom of labor, property and freedom of activity, that is, claimed a separate warranty that protects the freedom body (habeas corpus), so it was that the court upheld the decision in the case Siri (the latter came from illegal restraint of public authority. In the instant case is caused by acts of individuals.)
The Section 33 of the Constitution to make mention of the rights and excludes any implied warranty arising from particular restrictions; "Nothing, neither in letter nor the spirit of the Constitution to suggest that the protection of human rights is circumscribed called the attacks that come only from the authority."
"Failure to make the writ of amparo would be submitting to the plaintiff to resort to a slow and costly defense through regular procedures. This would not be much more interested since it occupied by a building worker is not productive, but a factory in operation, producing private. "
" On the merits, is notorious unlawful restraint by the workers , since no law of our system law recognizes them (neither they nor any other sector, except either by self-defense or necessity), the power to apply themselves to act to defend what they consider their right. "
Even if the workers have every reason, the occupation of the factory by those illegitimate.

Dissent: Aristobulus D. Araoz de Lamadrid, Julio Oyhanarte
declare inadmissible the special appeal.
can not rely on the issue decided by the Court in the case Siri, since in it the court declared the existence of an appeal, to protect so-called "constitutional guarantees", according to the this case should face restrictions on guarantees made by the public authority therefore can not be mentioned constitutional guarantees that the conflict is between acts of individuals.
The issue should be subject to ordinary legislation in accordance with the relevant procedural rules, not by writ of amparo. The violation does not fall on a constitutional guarantee, but on a private individual right, of which originate in the relations between individuals, the legislation where the event occurred provides a specific procedural remedy, so if it were acceptable to appeal would rescinding the current procedural rules.
can not judges accepted that broaden the scope of protection, extending to the violations committed by individuals.

Expands the scope of amparo to be established that is viable also deduce that the violation of a right comes from a particular.
It confirms the supremacy of the Constitution regarding the protection of the rights established in the Arts. 14, 17 and 19 of the Constitution.

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. Kot

Read the complete failure (in English):

In 1801 President Adams (former U.S.) President appointed Marshall of the Supreme Court along with other judges among whom was Marbury. Completed
presidential term is succeeded by President Jefferson, who appointed as secretary of State to Madison.
The majority of judges appointed during the previous administration received a notification stating that they had access to judgeships. However others, including Marbury was not received such notice and decided to request the appointment Madison as notified to access the office. Having received no response from Madison, Marbury asked the Court to issue a "mandamus" in which Madison was ordered to comply with the notification, based on Section thirteen of the Judiciary Act which accorded to the Supreme Court jurisdiction originally to issue the "mandamus."

Marbury was entitled to the commission he demanded, taking into account that it had been signed by the president and sealed by the secretary of state under President Adams.
The refusal was a clear violation of that right against which the laws of your country provided a remedy, issue a warrant.
The United States Constitution states in Article III, the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court only on appeal, except in certain cases where it is original, not being the "mandamus" within these exceptions, so it was rejected the plaintiff's claim because the Supreme Court had no jurisdiction to issue injunctions in original jurisdiction.
This brought about a conflict between the Constitution and the Judicial Act, Section 13 (of lower seniority.) Marshall ruled in its decision declaring the unconstitutionality of the Judicial Act, to consider extending the jurisdiction of the Court and contradicted the Constitution.

affirms the principle of constitutional supremacy.
It established the principle that the judiciary exercises judicial review.


Giroldi HORACIO 07/04/1995 CSJN
Read complete failure: Horacio D.

The Oral Criminal Court No. 6 of Cap. David Horacio Fed Giroldi convicted and sentenced to one month imprisonment suspended, as the author criminally responsible for the crime of simple theft is attempted. The public defender appealed. The merits of the case filed in the constitutionality of the limit imposed by Section 459, inc. 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation, for going against the provisions of Article 8, inc. 2, ap. h) of the American Convention on Human Rights, which gives every person accused of a crime the right "to appeal the ruling to a higher court." The National Chamber of Criminal Appeal Chamber I rejected the charge of unconstitutionality and gave rise to the complaint the Supreme Court, which declared admissible. Fundamentals

The lower court held that "by virtue of the objective limits laid down in Arts. 458 to 462 of the Criminal Procedure Code there is no possibility of appeal or unconstitutional ... and the cause has deceased without appeal, so his decision is final and it fits against the extraordinary appeal "
The Court stated that before the constitutional reform of 1994 which conferred constitutional status to several international agreements (Art. 75, para. 22, para. 2), must determine whether within the criminal procedural system are the national and procedures to give adequate satisfaction the constitutional guarantee in question.
can be argued that in the case of cars, the special appeal is not an effective remedy to safeguard the security of two hearings to be followed within the framework of criminal proceedings as a minimum guarantee to every person accused of a crime
Camera Criminal Appeals Court was created precisely to know, by way of appeals and unconstitutional - and even review - of the sentences handed down on points that make your competition, both in criminal courts as oral courts in the correctional facility.
"That the above determined that the most appropriate to ensure the security of appeal in criminal matters under the American Convention on Human Rights (Art. 8, inc. 2, ap. h), is to declare the constitutional invalidity of the limitation set forth in Article 459, inc. 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Nation, as forbidding the admissibility of the appeal against the verdicts of the courts in criminal cases because of the amount of the penalty "
The constitutional status of the Convention has been established by the express will of the constituent .
"That, consequently, this Court, as the supreme body of one of the powers of the Federal Government, it belongs - to the extent of its jurisdiction - implement international treaties that the country is linked in the terms described above, as otherwise would be liable for the Nation against the international community. In this regard, the Court defined the scope of Article 1 of the Convention, as States parties must not only respect the rights and freedoms recognized in it "but also" ensure the free and full exercise to all persons subject its jurisdiction. " According to this Court, "guarantee" means the State's duty to take all necessary measures to remove obstacles that may exist for individuals to enjoy the rights the convention recognizes. Therefore, the state which tolerates circumstances or conditions that prevent individuals from accessing the appropriate remedies to protect their rights is a violation of Article 1.1 of the Convention (Advisory Opinion No. 11/90 of 08/10/1990 - "exceptions to the exhaustion of remedies" - para. 34). Ensure likewise include "the duty of States Parties to organize the governmental apparatus and, in general, all the structures through which power is exercised public so that they are capable of juridically ensuring the free and full exercise of human rights " (Id., paragraph 23). "
For all that is stated from the complaint and the extraordinary appeal and annulling the ruling appealed.

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Horacio Fernandez Arias c / Poggio


laws Congress passed 13,246, 13,897 and 14,451, which ordered the executive to arrange with the Ministry of Agriculture, the Regional Chambers joint conciliation and compulsory arbitration, and Central House. These cameras were made up of representatives of rural landowners and tenants and sharecroppers. Created
agencies were organized as follows, the Regional Chambers had exclusive jurisdiction in deciding all questions arising between landlords and tenants or sharecroppers, on the occasion of the respective leases or rural sharecropping, the decisions of this House be appealed to the Central Chamber whose decisions were subject to the special appeal to the Supreme Court.
The case stems from a conflict between Fernandez Arias and Poggio in which the Chamber of Trenque Lauquen, Poggio ordered to surrender the property in question, against that decision, the convicted concluded special appeal be denied that prompted a complaint to the Supreme Court, which challenged the constitutionality of laws 13,246, 13,897 and 14,451, since they were created by administrative bodies endowed with judicial power which is contrary to Article 95 of the Constitution, which prevents the executive branch to exercise judicial functions, it violates the Article 67 inc. 11 of the Constitution since they are empowered to resolve Cameras joint negotiations on matters specific to the judicial authorities of provinces, and violates article 18 of the Constitution, as everyone recognizes the right of defense at trial before the Judiciary. The challenged laws removed from the judicial sphere to some conflicts to be settled exclusively by administrative courts.

the appealed decision is reversed and the court declares the unconstitutionality of the challenged rules. Leaving setting that is compatible with the Constitution to create administrative bodies with judicial powers, taking into account that have expanded the functions of management, as agile as necessary for the protection of public interests. While our Constitution recepta the doctrine of separation of powers, so that the judicial function would correspond only to the Judiciary, this provision should be interpreted dynamically according to changing social needs.
Decisions discussion of the bodies should be subject to judicial review, otherwise it would violate Article 18 of the Constitution, which recognizes all the inhabitants of the country the right to go to court. A difference is the adequacy of the principle of separation of powers in contemporary life, and violation of its substance, what would happen if you completely deprive the judiciary of its authority.
The mandatory court is not satisfied with the possibility of an extraordinary appeal before the Supreme Court, since it is a process widely known, therefore not enough to guarantee the right to a judicial body deep and complete.
Fundamentals Dissidence
Drs. Boffi, Boggero, Aberasturi
coincide with the decision of the majority but disagree with the arguments, are more restrictive as to the merits of granting judicial functions to administrative bodies.
The Article 95 of the Constitution prohibits the executive branch exercising judicial power contrary to the constitutional provision under review laws give courts powers to bodies in the field of Administration. While
social needs may require administrative bodies exercising judicial functions exception, Article 18 of the Constitution requires that there is always a court.
Members of the Houses joint negotiations are appointed and dismissed by the Executive, therefore do not enjoy the necessary independence to carry out the judicial function as well not have a qualification to pursue a legal function.
By direction of the Section 67 inc. 11 of the Constitution the provinces retain the application of common law, unlike the contested rules establishing a system by which law is applied by chambers created, having jurisdiction, not provincial.

is accepted the exercise of judicial functions by administrative organs.
The judiciary must retain reviewing the allocation of decisions issued by the administrative courts.
The federal special appeal does not meet the requirement of judicial review.