Sunday, April 20, 2008

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The Executive Branch issued the decrees of necessity and urgency N ยบ. 770/96 and 771/96 by which abolished the family allowances to workers whose wages exceed $ 1,000. Verrocchio affected by the measure filed a suit alleging unconstitutional under the above decrees violates the guarantee of full protection of the family, recognized in Article 14 bis of the Constitution.
The actor also alleged that the decree was founded in a situation of need and urgency. The injunction resulted from both the first and second instance, so that the treasury special federal appealed.

The Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the challenged decrees providing that the Executive had no authority to enact legislative provisions. He added that, to be from the issuance of the decrees of necessity and urgency should attend some of the exceptional circumstances namely that Congress can not meet for reasons of force majeure or the situation that would require legislative solution was of such urgency that allowed to await the enactment of a law by Congress, grounds that were not in this case.
also maintained that the judiciary was empowered to check that for Specifically there were exceptional circumstances alleged by the Executive. Competing

declares the unconstitutionality of the decree in question based on that art. 99 inc. 3 of the Constitution requires as a condition of validity of the decrees of necessity and urgency of the intervention of a bicameral commission permanent control phase, which should be created through a special law, not yet delivered. Thus the decree under review could not be issued because otherwise cease to be concurrent acts of two powers to be unilateral and discretionary acts of the Executive. Competing

noted that the Legislature passed 24,714 law which repealed the decrees in question as an expression of dissatisfaction with the rules under review. Dissent

Nazarene, Moline O `Connor and Lopez
accepted the validity of the decrees of necessity and urgency as its emission is a constitutional authority of the executive branch can not be subordinated to the dictates of a regulatory law. Otherwise the legislative omission deprive the president of a school that is specifically recognized by the supreme law. Also not essential to create a bicameral commission that Congress can control decrees. Finally argued that although 24,714 law repealed the decrees in question the annulled retroactively. Congress thus tacitly validated the effects generated by the decree during its term.

This ruling establishes the exceptional nature of the decrees of necessity and urgency, and the role of comptroller constitutional by the Supreme Court of the acts of government.


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