Garcia Mario c / Embassy of Pakistan (abstract)
As the embassy was a special domicile in Argentina that gives judges jurisdiction to hear the case.
would be unjust and contrary to good faith that Pakistan can put aside the contract clause of q contained in that direction.
Just think of the absurdity of a state contracted with a citizen of our country any amount of goods and then refused to comply with and be subject to national courts.
not compromise the normal functioning of the diplomatic mission or is into question an act of government (Iuri impierii) but q refers to a fulfillment of obligations under a lease agreement (Iuri gestionis).
art 2 is based on F inc (actions on real estate in the country) and inc A (express consent in a contract q Argentine courts to exercise jurisdiction because the legal address).
As the embassy was a special domicile in Argentina that gives judges jurisdiction to hear the case.
would be unjust and contrary to good faith that Pakistan can put aside the contract clause of q contained in that direction.
Just think of the absurdity of a state contracted with a citizen of our country any amount of goods and then refused to comply with and be subject to national courts.
not compromise the normal functioning of the diplomatic mission or is into question an act of government (Iuri impierii) but q refers to a fulfillment of obligations under a lease agreement (Iuri gestionis).
art 2 is based on F inc (actions on real estate in the country) and inc A (express consent in a contract q Argentine courts to exercise jurisdiction because the legal address).
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