Friday, January 29, 2010

How Many Calories In Chinese Chicken Curry


just veanlo ..

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Weslo Cardio Glide Battery

How to give a dog a pill? Spaying and neutering

relatively easy procedure for giving medicine to our pets when needed.

Sample Donation Support Request Letter

Spaying or neutering is a surgical method that helps to avoid in an effective, safe and 100% reproduction indiscriminate or an unwanted dog / cat or a dog / cat.

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia and takes approximately 20 to 45 minutes.

This procedure can be performed even by 2 months of age, depending on the development of reproductive organs and the size of the pet, in any case do ideally before the first heat in females and about 6 months in males.

The main reason to spay females before submitting the first heat is to reduce the risk of breast cancer.

sterilization With the risk is reduced to less than 5% chance of having breast cancer , which is an important factor given the greatest life expectancies currently have dogs and cats.

Benefits of Spaying or neutering:
-periods are eliminated mating in female-removes
litters of puppies and kittens unplanned and economic costs that this involves.
"It reduces the chance that your pet escape from home, bitten or hit.
"It reduces the risk of breast and prostate tumors.
He keeps cats mark their territory with urine.
"It reduces aggression toward other animals and people.
"It reduces the serious problem of overpopulation.

Here I present an interesting video that shows some pictures of cat castration procedure and some comments given by the veterinarian author of the video.

Note To Pastor After A Funeral

OTITIS Canine and Feline

I present an interesting video made by a veterinarian on the ear, ie, inflammation of the ear, rather common disease in our pets, especially those with long ears and / or pendulous.

Coorg Sweeties In Nacked

How to give a cat a pill? VOMITING

I present the following videos that teach us how to give a pill to a cat, techniques needed to learn when we have to antiparasitic or other medication to your pet.

This is a slightly aggressive cat.

A Pet program

Another example

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Check Printer Status In Brother

Vomiting is one of the most common signs of digestive disturbances in dogs and cats. Consists of the forcible expulsion of stomach contents through the esophagus and out of the mouth.

The vomiting can be white, yellow-green , with blood, can be undigested food, etc.. The circumstances of each animal, its age, whether or not vaccinated, the frequency of vomiting, associated symptoms or eating habits and life can often guide the veterinarian to diagnose or another.

appear with frequency in infectious diseases, especially puppy as parvovirus and distemper .

An inadequate food, homemade food based on low quality or concentrate, sudden changes in diet or an excessive amount of food can also trigger vomiting in dogs and cats.

The intake of foreign bodies (toys, stones, plastics, bones , etc), very frequent in our animals can cause any gastrointestinal symptoms, including the vomiting. The most common objects in the dog are toys, bones of Cuesco fruits, stones, plastic or balls while in the cat are more Frequently the linear foreign bodies as threads, wool or strings. The foreign bodies are always an important problem can get to produce a bowel obstruction. Many times it is necessary resort to endoscopy or surgery to remove them .


• Dietary changes

• Ingestion of trash

• Ingestion of foreign bodies

Stomach problems

• Bowel problems •

Disorders of abdominal organs (peritonitis, pancreatitis, etc) •

nerve disorders

• Infectious diseases (eg parvovirus)

Ingestion of toxic

• Some medicines

In many cases the clinical history can be enough for the veterinarian makes a diagnosis. In other cases will need to make another type of evidence as radiographs (to rule out the presence of foreign bodies), analysis of blood, urinalysis, endoscopy, etc.

San Bernardo with vomiting

Draft Excluder Patterns

The parvovirus is a disease characterized by gastroenteritis in dogs. It is caused by a microorganism highly infectious and very resistant in the environment environment called PARVOVIRUS. The main form of contagion occurs from direct contact or indirect a healthy dog \u200b\u200bwith the stool of another infected animal.

All dogs that have not been vaccinated against canine parvovirus are at risk of contracting the disease.

The symptoms may occur:

  • Anorexia (poor appetite) Decay
  • Fever Diarrhea (often hemorrhagic) Vomiting

In severe cases, this table leads to dehydration and death.

The virus causes lesions in the intestine of the sick animal, which acts as a gateway for bacteria, although they are part of the normal intestinal flora, being damaged intestinal epithelium enter the bloodstream and cause a bacterial infection


Other viruses and / or parasites may act as opportunistic against the damage the intestine complicating the picture initial of gastroenteritis.

The severity of painting and its development will depend on the amount of virus to which the animal has been exposed, the number of vaccines against parvovirus, animal age, immune status which is even race.

is proven that there dog breeds that are genetically capable of responding adequately to disease or to treatment. This happens with the rottweiler, doberman English cocker.

Treatment should be started immediately , as detected the first symptoms. No treatments are specific against the virus, what the treatment will be aimed at supporting the patient, to avoid dehydration and electrolyte imbalance, to protect the tract intestinal and avoid the secondary infections.

The two most important tools in controlling this disease the vaccination of dogs and environmental hygiene at home. The virus can survive up to five months or more off the animal and is resistant to the action of many disinfectants used for routine sanitation of environment. The sodium hypochlorite (chlorine) is the most effective way to eliminate the virus from surfaces or objects where it could be.

Vaccinating all dogs from six weeks old, is undoubtedly the safest way to keep them safe from canine parvovirus.

Puppy with bloody diarrhea and parvovirus (one of the most common signs)