Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Draft Excluder Patterns

The parvovirus is a disease characterized by gastroenteritis in dogs. It is caused by a microorganism highly infectious and very resistant in the environment environment called PARVOVIRUS. The main form of contagion occurs from direct contact or indirect a healthy dog \u200b\u200bwith the stool of another infected animal.

All dogs that have not been vaccinated against canine parvovirus are at risk of contracting the disease.

The symptoms may occur:

  • Anorexia (poor appetite) Decay
  • Fever Diarrhea (often hemorrhagic) Vomiting

In severe cases, this table leads to dehydration and death.

The virus causes lesions in the intestine of the sick animal, which acts as a gateway for bacteria, although they are part of the normal intestinal flora, being damaged intestinal epithelium enter the bloodstream and cause a bacterial infection


Other viruses and / or parasites may act as opportunistic against the damage the intestine complicating the picture initial of gastroenteritis.

The severity of painting and its development will depend on the amount of virus to which the animal has been exposed, the number of vaccines against parvovirus, animal age, immune status which is even race.

is proven that there dog breeds that are genetically capable of responding adequately to disease or to treatment. This happens with the rottweiler, doberman English cocker.

Treatment should be started immediately , as detected the first symptoms. No treatments are specific against the virus, what the treatment will be aimed at supporting the patient, to avoid dehydration and electrolyte imbalance, to protect the tract intestinal and avoid the secondary infections.

The two most important tools in controlling this disease the vaccination of dogs and environmental hygiene at home. The virus can survive up to five months or more off the animal and is resistant to the action of many disinfectants used for routine sanitation of environment. The sodium hypochlorite (chlorine) is the most effective way to eliminate the virus from surfaces or objects where it could be.

Vaccinating all dogs from six weeks old, is undoubtedly the safest way to keep them safe from canine parvovirus.

Puppy with bloody diarrhea and parvovirus (one of the most common signs)


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