Monday, December 27, 2010

Convection Perfection Oven Co200t

The art of caring for premature

MADRID .- (AGENCIALAVOZ.ORG) Every time they are born and more children survive prematurity, multiple gestations from or not. This may be due to work and maternal stress, advanced maternal age or artificial insemination techniques, among other causes. About nine of every 100 children born prematurely, which means that in Spain are born prematurely more than 30,000 children each year.

now survive almost all weighing over 1,000 grams at birth. Some are a little premature, but many do not, which requires prolonged hospitalization in special rooms, very significant costs, risks of complications, sequelae, family stress and anxiety for the mother and father, especially the first, they must spend many hours near the baby.

Until recently, premature infants in incubators were introduced that provided heat, humidity, sometimes oxygen, and were feeding well by mouth to the stomach tube, or sometimes through a vein. Care was, therefore, heat, humidity, food and sometimes oxygen, because it was believed that premature infants had only to gain weight.

now known that infants, even very premature (less than 1,000 grams) are very sensitive creatures, fragile beings who hear, smell, see, feel cold, heat, discomfort, comfort and pain, sleep and awake. There are children to fatten, they are actually very sensitive people who need their parents and caregivers know their needs, not just nutrition and physical affection and also other treatment. And the risks they have for their physical and neurological development and its future, must know how to treat and care adequately to these little children.

Premature babies are very sensitive to noise and light. Before birth, the womb lived in silence and darkness, only heard the sound of the heartbeat. Therefore, incubators should be covered with cloth most of the day, to avoid natural or artificial light prevents them from resting. These children need to sleep most of the day, have multiple periods of sleep with little vigil.

addition to darkness, need quiet. Many units have premature audible alarm, a large 'electronic ear' that red lights when sensors detect the noise of human voices and noises many decibels. The need for sleep and peace of mind required to perform all or most of the actions or care for short periods of time, so that children can rest and be quiet as many hours.

Noise causes stress, but the soft music, especially classical, Mozart for example, creates comfort which results in decrease in heart rate, decreased metabolic activity and therefore greater weight gain. Infants born at the time, are ripe and ready to accept more light and noise, but not premature, especially large infants. This need for silence and darkness is as useful as simple to implement.

term newborns smell, especially smell breast milk when they approach the mother's breast. Preemies also smell, sniffing develop this sense the amniotic fluid, which has some substances like milk. Put a tissue or cloth with the smell of the milk soothes the baby. We also feel that their mother or father play, pat him or, better, feel the touch of bare skin of the baby, even prematurely, with the skin of the mother or father, breast to breast, skin to skin. This technique is known as 'kangaroo', soothes, warms and silk baby.

The smallest, even those weighing less than a kilo, they feel pain, as intensely as adults, because they already have developed the neural pathways that detect and transmit the sensation of pain to the brain. Therefore can not be punctured, annoy or put them in uncomfortable positions because they have no autonomy to move. These young patients should be applied to the same degree of pain as adults, anesthetic cream or medication. A very effective anesthetic is feeding, bottle, better milk, while they performed the painful procedure, such a prick to draw blood for analysis. The morphine free feed intake endogenous.

implement all these measures requires not only knowledge of their utility, also will and availability of time. Therefore, we must organize the operation of the units of premature and parents so that they can meet these needs, the art of care. It costs little and is very effective.

Notter School Of Pastry Arts

Marriage intimacy, touching the Glory of Love

Dr. Jose Linares CerĂ³n

PERU .- (AGENCIALAVOZ.ORG) In recent months I have received thousands of e-mail, asking to write an article on Privacy marriage, sexuality of a Christian couple. I think my friend Dr. Hector Zorrilla and his wife, can really help, are specialists in matters of sexuality, but I have my view pastoral and professional.

on the spiritual plane

The married must establish and maintain a home centered on the love of Jesus. If a married couple living a full gospel in their lives, the addition of love and kindness shown not only in respect of the couple in private but touch the glory of a blessed sexual life in all its beautiful expressions of love. Also enjoy enormous advantages over other couples who do not have a spiritual dimension. A good marriage is not one where perfection reigns, so the importance of always enable us on these issues will help us understand to be more tolerant to be good professionals to be a partner ready to face the critical issues in the marriage. A prayer life partner is vital to maintain the divine in everyday life, and the intimacy the rewards will touch the glory of love, a couple who love and respect, and value their communion with God in daily life.

Many write me very concerned if it is OK to have sex with his wife (o) and others often ask me what would be the ideal frequency for sex?. The regularity with which a couple make love depend what you both feel or want and what they think is enough and satisfactory to them. Nor should we believe the myth that the more sex you have, the couple is wanted or needed anymore. Rather, in many cases, the relationship reaches a point that transcends the physical and many more come to complement other areas. Thus, there are more couples who enjoy long conversations at night, seeing a good movie, trips to concerts, cinemas or theaters or other activities that come to fill them and supplementing their love in the physical act of sex. They are also very common other behaviors (if couples are usually in full communion with God) and keep a great sex life, and take the following days in religious activities, and romance, like walking, laughing, talking etc. Well it is quite possible that I say: How beautiful, how beautiful, but my home is a mess, looks a hell of doubt and frustration. Well I advise you to take seriously the spiritual plane, you see as the impossible becomes possible through prayer.

A common belief is that married life is to do it every day. While there are those who argue for a time a daily rhythm, it is common that relationships are not held every day and, of course, one should not understand sex marriage as a fulfillment of our duty at home. When There is disagreement in the marriage that she one day wants and he does not, or if the man wishes the woman many times and not so much, it may be that this couple, and this is not a rule, have different needs. There are people who maintain relations meets twice a week, others do so every two weeks, for others enough to a weekend. A recent survey realized that in some parts of Africa, the black population did several times a day, but it was interesting to see that when they moved to urban areas and change their habits (diet, housing conditions, increased stress ), this frequency was reduced in a remarkable way. Some complained that they could not do more than once a day!

But there is something true that a couple can reduce the frequency of their relationship and is falling into monotony, instead of making a fun and passionate relationship, it soon become tedious. To this solution is to use the most imagination in every encounter with your partner, always in my lectures I tell my students, love the intimacy you have to be an artist, we men must be at the height of a great life sexual, God gave us to love our bodies, of course, with intelligence, never let the romance in your daily life: We think that sexual encounters are not merely an orgasm, but also games, cuddles, kisses, tender words, use your imagination begins to draw and color, your intimate as an artist painting the beauty of love the woman in your life, your dreams, love of your life, your air, the existence of your life, we men are the tree of the garden and the women are the flowers. If you collect all the trees in the world would make him a pen and my ink would sea, and the universe would be my paper, write "I love you love." For all the above, we think that there is no established brands to be met or yes in terms of quantity or frequency of intercourse, if both partners are satisfied happy and enjoying the quality of the sexual encounter. Remember that we are designed to love with love and tenderness.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Receding Gums Crest White Strips

Relapse of adolescents treated for depression

USA - (AGENCIALAVOZ.ORG) The most up to date on treatment for depressed adolescents has not produced good news. Published in the latest Archives of General Psychiatry, the study finds that although most responded well to treatment, after year, half again develop the disease.

think so study authors, who recognize "It seems that we still have a therapy that actually prevent the disease recurrence. And we do not have a flag that indicates what people on treatment will rest with the disease," says John Curry, Medical Center, Duke University ( Durham, USA) and lead author of the research. Cesar

Soutullo, director of the Child Psychiatry Unit of the University Hospital of Navarra recognizes, acknowledges that "work is very interesting and indicates that with proper treatment and monitoring, combining medication and psychotherapy, adolescents with obtain high rates of depression treatment response. However, relapses were also Frequently.

For this expert, this fact "indicates that the treatment must be maintained long enough." The goal, he adds, should be complete remission, because patients with residual symptoms were those more likely to relapse. Also , says, "All this points to the biological origin of depression, because although the children have had an environmental stressors to the onset of depression (which precipitated the disease), this was not the cause, then fell in the absence of same. Depression, therefore, is a serious problem of biological origin in adolescents. "

The research was conducted with 86 boys and 110 girls between 14 to 22 years, participants of the Study of Treatment of Depression in Adolescents (TADS, its acronym in English) and notes that although many exceeded the disease after years to develop it in half again. All were divided into four groups to undergo the following interventions: 12 weeks fluotexina (Prozac), cognitive-behavioral therapy, both therapies or a placebo.

"For those who received psychotherapy were recommended to participate in meetings with the specialist for basic support. Also, that after three months treatment with placebo experienced no improvement was told to chose among the three therapies, " indicates the test.

Depression is a mental illness more prevalent among adolescents. "It affects 5.6% of girls and 4.6% of men. It is related to functional impairment, increased risk of suicide and depression in adulthood. Therefore it is important to investigate not only the effectiveness of treatments, but also its effectiveness in reducing subsequent negative results, especially the recurrence of depression, "say the authors.

The data reveal that 96% of participants recovered from their first depressive episode during the five years of study, including 88% who passed the disease in the first two years. To the surprise of researchers, after five years of follow up, 47% relapsed into depression, regardless of treatment received. Surprise

also found it striking to note that, "contrary to what we thought, or young people who recovered fully after 12 weeks of treatment or the combination of fluoxetine with cognitive therapy reduced the risk of relapse. However, it is true that those who responded only partially to therapy were more likely to have depression return with time ", they say.

The authors also warned that are girls (57%) compared with the boys (33%) the most likely to succumb to a new depression, as happens to those who, in addition to this pathology, with anxiety. For the authors of the research is important to emphasize that "those who return to face depression scored high on scales measuring suicidal thoughts and behaviors," added