MADRID .- (AGENCIALAVOZ.ORG) Every time they are born and more children survive prematurity, multiple gestations from or not. This may be due to work and maternal stress, advanced maternal age or artificial insemination techniques, among other causes. About nine of every 100 children born prematurely, which means that in Spain are born prematurely more than 30,000 children each year.
now survive almost all weighing over 1,000 grams at birth. Some are a little premature, but many do not, which requires prolonged hospitalization in special rooms, very significant costs, risks of complications, sequelae, family stress and anxiety for the mother and father, especially the first, they must spend many hours near the baby.
Until recently, premature infants in incubators were introduced that provided heat, humidity, sometimes oxygen, and were feeding well by mouth to the stomach tube, or sometimes through a vein. Care was, therefore, heat, humidity, food and sometimes oxygen, because it was believed that premature infants had only to gain weight.
now known that infants, even very premature (less than 1,000 grams) are very sensitive creatures, fragile beings who hear, smell, see, feel cold, heat, discomfort, comfort and pain, sleep and awake. There are children to fatten, they are actually very sensitive people who need their parents and caregivers know their needs, not just nutrition and physical affection and also other treatment. And the risks they have for their physical and neurological development and its future, must know how to treat and care adequately to these little children.
Premature babies are very sensitive to noise and light. Before birth, the womb lived in silence and darkness, only heard the sound of the heartbeat. Therefore, incubators should be covered with cloth most of the day, to avoid natural or artificial light prevents them from resting. These children need to sleep most of the day, have multiple periods of sleep with little vigil.
addition to darkness, need quiet. Many units have premature audible alarm, a large 'electronic ear' that red lights when sensors detect the noise of human voices and noises many decibels. The need for sleep and peace of mind required to perform all or most of the actions or care for short periods of time, so that children can rest and be quiet as many hours.
Noise causes stress, but the soft music, especially classical, Mozart for example, creates comfort which results in decrease in heart rate, decreased metabolic activity and therefore greater weight gain. Infants born at the time, are ripe and ready to accept more light and noise, but not premature, especially large infants. This need for silence and darkness is as useful as simple to implement.
term newborns smell, especially smell breast milk when they approach the mother's breast. Preemies also smell, sniffing develop this sense the amniotic fluid, which has some substances like milk. Put a tissue or cloth with the smell of the milk soothes the baby. We also feel that their mother or father play, pat him or, better, feel the touch of bare skin of the baby, even prematurely, with the skin of the mother or father, breast to breast, skin to skin. This technique is known as 'kangaroo', soothes, warms and silk baby.
The smallest, even those weighing less than a kilo, they feel pain, as intensely as adults, because they already have developed the neural pathways that detect and transmit the sensation of pain to the brain. Therefore can not be punctured, annoy or put them in uncomfortable positions because they have no autonomy to move. These young patients should be applied to the same degree of pain as adults, anesthetic cream or medication. A very effective anesthetic is feeding, bottle, better milk, while they performed the painful procedure, such a prick to draw blood for analysis. The morphine free feed intake endogenous.
implement all these measures requires not only knowledge of their utility, also will and availability of time. Therefore, we must organize the operation of the units of premature and parents so that they can meet these needs, the art of care. It costs little and is very effective.
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