By: Antoni Trilla
SPAIN. (AGENCIALAVOZ.ORG) In the time of publishing this blog, the implementation of the reform of the smoking ban will be a reality in Spain. No longer allows smoking in bars, restaurants, entertainment or closed, or in hospitals (anywhere in the room) or in schools (except for open areas of the university campus). The legislation is late (and in 2003 signed the Framework Convention for the Control of Snuff), comes something touched, but comes to an end.
'll see if people smoking (sure with time itself) are adapted to the rules and, finally, I can move around the school without seeing some (few, but some) students, researchers, teachers and professionals in smoking the cloister. And we'll see if I can go to replenish my caffeine levels in any of the bars surrounding the hospital without fear of leaving more awake, but the smoke conjunctivitis 'blind my eyes'! (Actually, the phrase should be 'the smoke comes into my eyes', from' The Platters'...).
I am not (nor have I ever been) smokers. My father died two months ago by a stroke, and its 'there' was to have been a heavy smoker (of Celtic and Ducados, yes, no imported blondes things) from his youth until age 45, age their first myocardial infarction, followed by a couple of strokes a few more and coronary bypass. For five years was half-paralyzed body (hemiplegia) and could not communicate with us (aphasia) for a heart attack, this time the brain. My mother died two years ago for lung cancer. She just had smoked a cigarette in his life, but shared with my father over 25 years of 'passive smoking'. The snuff, in my house, has always been synonymous with disease.
There are over 1,000 million smokers in the world, which in turn exposed to about 2,000 million more people to smoke their cigarettes (so-called passive smoking). The journal Lancet published a very comprehensive study with 2004 data, which quantifies the ill health that situation, passive smoking or 'second hand', is. According to the authors, 1% of global mortality attributable to the fact passively inhale smoke snuff and 60% of this burden of disease falls on children. The absolute numbers provided by this study are chilling: snuff smoke (passive) is the cause of 379,000 deaths from coronary heart disease, 165,000 respiratory infections, asthma 36,900 and 21,400 lung cancer. In total, more than 600,000 deaths annually are attributable to being a passive smoker.
ban on smoking in public places Spain among the 17 most advanced countries in this regard. However, there is a 'black hole' fatal: most passive exposure to tobacco snuff is produced at home, and this is where children are exposed and many women do not smoke. 90% of parents smokers smoke in their homes and 80% are in the proximity of their children. The education of these is therefore essential to protect children.
started the year with a 14-20% of English smokers among those under 15 years and 22-32% of smokers among adults.
Among the good intentions of each new year, many people quit formula: Cheer up! Not only a great purpose for our individual health but for our entire family, especially for our children or grandchildren. Can do, smoking is clearly harmful to their health, their families and the health of all, that is, to public health.
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