SPAIN. (AGENCIALAVOZ.ORG) Stand to pick up the phone, get up to talk to a coworker instead of e-mail, go to the bathroom on a floor that is higher than yours ... Are some of the 'little things' to do in his work to preserve the health of your heart. For the first time, a study finds that spending too much time sitting, without pausing, is related to several risk indicators of heart disease.
"The benefits of regular participation in moderate intensity exercise are well accepted scientifically strong and the general public. However, the potentially harmful impact study for the health of prolonged sitting (which is something we do, on average, more than half the days), just in progress. Our research highlights the importance of considering the prolonged sedentary behavior is a health risk. This fact should be taken into account in future public health guidelines. In particular, our results may have implications for the places where workers typically spend much time sitting, such as offices, "says Genevieve Haely, University of Queensland (Australia) and lead author of the essay.
Posted in the final ' European Heart Journal, the study has been carried out 4,757 men and women with a mean age of 45. All of them carried an accelerometer for seven days (device used to measure body movement and know well the energy expended).
More waist and cholesterol
Also, all participants were measured waist circumference (which details the concentration of fat in the abdominal area and, therefore, is a good thing to know when health cardiovascular), blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose and plasma insulin and C-reactive protein levels (a marker of inflammation and, therefore, cardiac risk)
The data found that those who spent more time seated without getting up had a greater waist circumference, lower levels of HLD cholesterol (the 'good') and higher levels of C-reactive protein and triglycerides.
The good news is that "breaks, ie up often, regardless of time of sitting, had a positive impact on the waist measurement and the values \u200b\u200bof C-reactive protein and glucose ", the authors acknowledge the research.
They also insisted that "a long time in the chair is a habit that will probably increase in future due to technological innovations, so reduce and regulate the time spent sitting can be an important health message along with the recommendation to exercise regularly. "
Speaking VillacastÃn Julian, chief of the Electrophysiology Unit of the Institute of Cardiology, Hospital San Carlos de Madrid, says that "the study seems very original, witty and interesting and important implications, because it is clear that increasingly tends to be more 'complacent' and implement measures that require us to get up in the end we brings more health. In defining how long ... the more times better, but the important thing is sure that almost everyone can improve their physical implementation of the breaks. "
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