The Galician
cuaando Galicia arrived in Uruguay English Civil War ended.
Some were driven by economic and other reasons, for ideological reasons.
Sebastian was a Republican, fought fiercely, his body bore witness through their scars.
was a graduate student, had good sense and intelligence. He had lived in El Ferrol, in the city. His family had a good pass, middle class farmers. Engaged in fruit farming, growing vegetables and raised some cattle. They had a house in the country and one in the city where the family lived and studied children. The war led
However, not only the earth, also the children, some died and others moved. Sebastian
fled Spain as a stowaway on a freighter. Uruguay arrived fully clothed. He tried to find other Galician on a street in an unfamiliar city. Montevideo was wet and foggy, he felt homesick for his homeland. He walked a lot, could stretch his legs, looking to sharpen the ear to hear a word of Galicia. Finally, while crossing through the door of a cafe, listened to what I expected. He was received with uproar: Jacks, songs, music of bagpipes. Those who lived and worked there knew the time of uprooting living Sebastian.
Soon, he began working as a waiter in a cafe. His life was austere, sparing tirelessly. The owners needed a quiet coffee, Sebastian does not hesitate to offer, that it saved the expenditure on housing.
His first months were working. His day off was spent in the café: Galicia wrote letters, did laundry and homesickness came over him.
One of his colleagues invited him to meet a meeting place for newcomers Galician. Valle called Miñor. There he met many contemporaries, sought to known relationships, drank wine, danced and played the bagpipes. Sebastian a moment forgot his homeland.
spoke with men and women, young and not so much. All retained some trace of the war. Everyone had a strong memory of their relatives who remained in Spain. He learned that his compatriots got together money to send to relatives who could not come.
That day he met Lola, a sizzling young, optimistic. For the first time heard that this is my new home, I found what I was looking Uruguay in Spain, in Galicia my dear. Sebastian became interested in the opinions of Lola, approached her and started asking. Montevideo
Lola discovered something of Galicia: the rainy, humid days most of the year, the wind blowing from the sea, smell fish in the sea and people who shared an ancient common tradition.
forwarded it all to Sebastian, the conversation lasted.
free days, Sebastian was going to meet with others. Lola, too. Sebastian wanted to know about it, I had never seen in Galicia.
She lived near the estuaries of Ferrol, in contrast, the village was to the east, next to Castile. The mountains began to share the Galician landscape. Lola Peña saw Trevinca height, so high that it seemed to be very close.
His family was very poor. The infertile soil forced them to take some sheep and goats in search of pasture more tender and plentiful. Harvesting the garden. The father looked for a job outside the planting or harvesting. Once, he walked to the coast and set out to fish. Brought some scallops as a gift for their children and little money. Lola's mother, as well Galician loved her man and did not want to be lost at sea.
had a cow that gave milk to all.
When Civil War began, the father had to go to the front. Lola, his mother and his brothers hid in the kitchen cow and sheep and goats were not. Papers used as a cover for sheets and blankets, reserved for sewn clothing.
The cow was sacred: the food was safe. The boys brought water and pasture in the vicinity.
Lola's father soon returned because he suffered a war wound it impossible to fight. He returned with a cousin, also invalid. The two men decided to send their children outside of Spain. The migration would save them from hunger and, if all went well, they would go after them.
So was Lola, siblings, cousins \u200b\u200band other young people to Montevideo, Uruguay's capital city and port of communication with Spain and the rest of the world.
was employed as a maid in a luxurious home.
"I have lots of food, told Sebastian. The "lady" treats me well. His daughters are about my age and are friendly. Yes, I say Gallega or Galleguita, but I do not care, I remember my roots.
"I live here," continued the young. Clean, wash clothes, help with the "lady" to cook, iron, comb girls for the holidays. I have my bedroom, my bathroom and my driveway independent.
-going, followed, say my bedroom, but is the servant.
"Everything shines in that house, my" lady "to her friends praise me.
"Stop counting, Lola, said an old Galician. You do not know that counting is talking to herself. Dancing woman dancing and singing as you know. Leave stories.
"Hey, you, Sebastian said the old man, where are you?
-Account more, man.
"Nothing different at all, I came to escape the Civil War, had fought with the Republicans, but got away and here I am.
"I like you, will you work with me, asked the old Manolo.
Sebastian told him about his work as a waiter and the advantage of having a place to sleep.
-I offer more, "said Manolo, my son can not do everything, I have a large coffee, my wife and my daughters cook for the customers ... it is hard work. Uruguayan Between you, you prefer. The Uruguayans living an easy life, are for offices and the "Desktop", all want to be doctors, not the back squat. They think that's for Galicia. Manolo
convinced Sebastian. His former employer was happy because he could not offer more.
"You are a valuable and strong young man, go your way," said the first pattern.
fact, Sebastian's life changed with Manolo. He worked hard, saved, sent something to his parents and it all had to Lola. She continued with her "lady", saved, sent part of Galicia but his desire was to bring his parents. Not spend anything, the landlady gave him clothes, gave him food and encouraged to save.
"You can be a lifelong servant, asked him one day while peeling potatoes. Board meeting a lot, you deserve to have a family and a home decent. Lola answered
saved to pay for passage to their parents.
"Sounds good, added the" lady ", but one thing does not remove the other, you can go looking for a young, yes, visits here at my house, you have to walk down the street. You have a garden, your rooms, boardwalk for strolling. If you go to the movies with a young man, you will accompany me or one of my daughters. Lola
simply to give thanks and tell your boss how well he treated her.
"You deserve it, you are very good, very valuable, we'll help at all, concluded the woman. Sebastian
Lola looked every Sunday in the Valley Miñor. The story went as expected: it ennoviaron. The girl let her know all the demands of his "lady" that catered to the young.
They had saved enough for their parents arrived to Uruguay to work. Manolo
installed another restaurant and ordered it to Sebastian. That allowed her parents work. Fortune began to grow. For three years he lived in Montevideo and Lola knew. It was time for marriage.
The "lady" helped him choose rings, wedding dress and offered his home for the holiday. Then Lola was a fashion house to choose a white dress which gave gladly.
The end is imaginable. Lola and Sebastian are still couples had children and grandchildren, traveled to Spain. Lived well and happy as all that changed Galician homeland and arrived in Uruguay, which they call "my country elected." Here was what they want and not find peace in their land.
came a time when Uruguay experienced a dictatorship and faded country style. Fabian
cried. Only he and the other Galician knew how hard it is when darkness covers institutions and people, when the terror comes from the State, all are under suspicion and trust are lost. Miñor Valley became silent: no more Jacks and bagpipes. The villagers met to talk quietly. Killed hours with a game of cards.
Nothing could do for their status as foreigners, struggling to avoid being expelled from their homeland elected. "
One day, Manolo said Fabian:
"Hey, dammit, that beast is the man. We are running from a broken country, find peace here, we form our families, we want this land. And these fucking Uruguayan given for fighting and putting terror. They have so many good things, why this! Who gives handle! Oh! Piece of donkeys!
"I heard that many suffer torture, he said Fabian. And others have disappeared.
"Damn, Manolo repeated. Aurora
Sebastian was a Republican, fought fiercely, his body bore witness through their scars.
was a graduate student, had good sense and intelligence. He had lived in El Ferrol, in the city. His family had a good pass, middle class farmers. Engaged in fruit farming, growing vegetables and raised some cattle. They had a house in the country and one in the city where the family lived and studied children. The war led
However, not only the earth, also the children, some died and others moved. Sebastian
fled Spain as a stowaway on a freighter. Uruguay arrived fully clothed. He tried to find other Galician on a street in an unfamiliar city. Montevideo was wet and foggy, he felt homesick for his homeland. He walked a lot, could stretch his legs, looking to sharpen the ear to hear a word of Galicia. Finally, while crossing through the door of a cafe, listened to what I expected. He was received with uproar: Jacks, songs, music of bagpipes. Those who lived and worked there knew the time of uprooting living Sebastian.
Soon, he began working as a waiter in a cafe. His life was austere, sparing tirelessly. The owners needed a quiet coffee, Sebastian does not hesitate to offer, that it saved the expenditure on housing.
His first months were working. His day off was spent in the café: Galicia wrote letters, did laundry and homesickness came over him.
One of his colleagues invited him to meet a meeting place for newcomers Galician. Valle called Miñor. There he met many contemporaries, sought to known relationships, drank wine, danced and played the bagpipes. Sebastian a moment forgot his homeland.
spoke with men and women, young and not so much. All retained some trace of the war. Everyone had a strong memory of their relatives who remained in Spain. He learned that his compatriots got together money to send to relatives who could not come.
That day he met Lola, a sizzling young, optimistic. For the first time heard that this is my new home, I found what I was looking Uruguay in Spain, in Galicia my dear. Sebastian became interested in the opinions of Lola, approached her and started asking. Montevideo
Lola discovered something of Galicia: the rainy, humid days most of the year, the wind blowing from the sea, smell fish in the sea and people who shared an ancient common tradition.
forwarded it all to Sebastian, the conversation lasted.
free days, Sebastian was going to meet with others. Lola, too. Sebastian wanted to know about it, I had never seen in Galicia.
She lived near the estuaries of Ferrol, in contrast, the village was to the east, next to Castile. The mountains began to share the Galician landscape. Lola Peña saw Trevinca height, so high that it seemed to be very close.
His family was very poor. The infertile soil forced them to take some sheep and goats in search of pasture more tender and plentiful. Harvesting the garden. The father looked for a job outside the planting or harvesting. Once, he walked to the coast and set out to fish. Brought some scallops as a gift for their children and little money. Lola's mother, as well Galician loved her man and did not want to be lost at sea.
had a cow that gave milk to all.
When Civil War began, the father had to go to the front. Lola, his mother and his brothers hid in the kitchen cow and sheep and goats were not. Papers used as a cover for sheets and blankets, reserved for sewn clothing.
The cow was sacred: the food was safe. The boys brought water and pasture in the vicinity.
Lola's father soon returned because he suffered a war wound it impossible to fight. He returned with a cousin, also invalid. The two men decided to send their children outside of Spain. The migration would save them from hunger and, if all went well, they would go after them.
So was Lola, siblings, cousins \u200b\u200band other young people to Montevideo, Uruguay's capital city and port of communication with Spain and the rest of the world.
was employed as a maid in a luxurious home.
"I have lots of food, told Sebastian. The "lady" treats me well. His daughters are about my age and are friendly. Yes, I say Gallega or Galleguita, but I do not care, I remember my roots.
"I live here," continued the young. Clean, wash clothes, help with the "lady" to cook, iron, comb girls for the holidays. I have my bedroom, my bathroom and my driveway independent.
-going, followed, say my bedroom, but is the servant.
"Everything shines in that house, my" lady "to her friends praise me.
"Stop counting, Lola, said an old Galician. You do not know that counting is talking to herself. Dancing woman dancing and singing as you know. Leave stories.
"Hey, you, Sebastian said the old man, where are you?
-Account more, man.
"Nothing different at all, I came to escape the Civil War, had fought with the Republicans, but got away and here I am.
"I like you, will you work with me, asked the old Manolo.
Sebastian told him about his work as a waiter and the advantage of having a place to sleep.
-I offer more, "said Manolo, my son can not do everything, I have a large coffee, my wife and my daughters cook for the customers ... it is hard work. Uruguayan Between you, you prefer. The Uruguayans living an easy life, are for offices and the "Desktop", all want to be doctors, not the back squat. They think that's for Galicia. Manolo
convinced Sebastian. His former employer was happy because he could not offer more.
"You are a valuable and strong young man, go your way," said the first pattern.
fact, Sebastian's life changed with Manolo. He worked hard, saved, sent something to his parents and it all had to Lola. She continued with her "lady", saved, sent part of Galicia but his desire was to bring his parents. Not spend anything, the landlady gave him clothes, gave him food and encouraged to save.
"You can be a lifelong servant, asked him one day while peeling potatoes. Board meeting a lot, you deserve to have a family and a home decent. Lola answered
saved to pay for passage to their parents.
"Sounds good, added the" lady ", but one thing does not remove the other, you can go looking for a young, yes, visits here at my house, you have to walk down the street. You have a garden, your rooms, boardwalk for strolling. If you go to the movies with a young man, you will accompany me or one of my daughters. Lola
simply to give thanks and tell your boss how well he treated her.
"You deserve it, you are very good, very valuable, we'll help at all, concluded the woman. Sebastian
Lola looked every Sunday in the Valley Miñor. The story went as expected: it ennoviaron. The girl let her know all the demands of his "lady" that catered to the young.
They had saved enough for their parents arrived to Uruguay to work. Manolo
installed another restaurant and ordered it to Sebastian. That allowed her parents work. Fortune began to grow. For three years he lived in Montevideo and Lola knew. It was time for marriage.
The "lady" helped him choose rings, wedding dress and offered his home for the holiday. Then Lola was a fashion house to choose a white dress which gave gladly.
The end is imaginable. Lola and Sebastian are still couples had children and grandchildren, traveled to Spain. Lived well and happy as all that changed Galician homeland and arrived in Uruguay, which they call "my country elected." Here was what they want and not find peace in their land.
came a time when Uruguay experienced a dictatorship and faded country style. Fabian
cried. Only he and the other Galician knew how hard it is when darkness covers institutions and people, when the terror comes from the State, all are under suspicion and trust are lost. Miñor Valley became silent: no more Jacks and bagpipes. The villagers met to talk quietly. Killed hours with a game of cards.
Nothing could do for their status as foreigners, struggling to avoid being expelled from their homeland elected. "
One day, Manolo said Fabian:
"Hey, dammit, that beast is the man. We are running from a broken country, find peace here, we form our families, we want this land. And these fucking Uruguayan given for fighting and putting terror. They have so many good things, why this! Who gives handle! Oh! Piece of donkeys!
"I heard that many suffer torture, he said Fabian. And others have disappeared.
"Damn, Manolo repeated. Aurora
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