's Treasure Beach
Malvin Montevideo is a city on the shore of a wide estuary. It is surrounded by diverse and beautiful beaches. Its people love water, play in it. Some enjoy watching her sitting in the sand. Other swim, surf, canoeing, or simply dive into the high waves. Martina
canoeing and taught children and youth in Malvin Beach. This occurred in the summers.
One day, he became interested in diving. His adventurous spirit invited her to discover the secrets of the deep.
When he had mastered the art of diving, invited other young people. Thus, began long walks in the bottom of the estuary. The shoals are abundant in these waters, there are legends and realities of vessels caught from the white man sailed here. The wrecks of pirate ships and English and Portuguese navies were common from the sixteenth century. Martina knew
these stories, but had no intention of seeking lost treasures was enough to enjoy nature and swim in deep water.
Every day of summer, these young adventurers met on the coast. It began the ritual of dressing wet suits, control all the instruments and jump to the yacht's uncle William. This yacht allowed to enter several miles offshore. John, as they called the owner of the boat, keeping the cables from the divers, he communicated with them and was alert to any setback. He was one of the adventurers. Sebastian
admired the work of John, many days, leaving the dive and stayed with him protecting other. He learned to handle all safety equipment. John invited him to guide the boat from the helm. Since that day, Sebastian was a sailor. Little by little he learned the ancient art of floating on the water. Also, learn about life. The conversation was pleasant Juan and full of wisdom. The sea knew that Sebastian came to imagine with a red beard, pipe, fragrant, eye covered and wooden leg. The jeans and shirt stripes sailors returning from his fantasy. Sebastian
left to travel daily diving with John riding the waves.
William and Claudia were the owners of fantasy in the group. They yes dreamed of a treasure buried in a sandbank. Convinced John that sailed to the island of the Gulls. Then, unable to reach the island of Flores. This last was an old prison. It was full of ghosts, the two young men thought they heard cries of tortured prisoners. Juan dissuaded, we showed that these cries came from the water when it climbed to the old building, hitting the wall hard and returned a mournful echo.
Again, wanted to go in the evening, the beach of La Mulata. They knew the legend of a woman coming out of the water to the sand dance in full moon nights. La Mulata had been a slave to time colonial. Her beauty captivated a young patrician. They loved by the beach, out of sight of the system. One day, Mulata died of love. His beloved did not make the appointment. The girl went out to dance the nights of full moon. Martina
and the group continued diving. Sebastian defected to continue at the helm and John. Claudia and William
risked, always looking for unknown areas, often separated from the group. Bear the anger of others and listened to the advice of John, but they insisted. One morning, touched something hard buried in the background came up with the news. John called the others, Sebastian left by the yacht and he jumped to dive with youth. The headlights showed the object: it was a sunken fishing vote short time earlier. John remembered the episode and raging waters that day by the great storm. Diving
was a pleasure sharing the depth to fish and other water creatures swimming next to them without departing. They met several species and knew where to find them grouped in a pod.
The summer came to an end. The waters were warmer March. Everyone had to go back to school, follow the routine and wait until next summer.
The following year, the month of December started with very hot days, which announced a good summer. Young and John resumed their meetings on the beach Malvin. Dived more safely and every day, announced a new project.
One morning, Joseph was advanced to the group, swam faster, moved some of their peers. It was a strange behavior because he was always very disciplined. Juan followed the advice not to stray from each other. His flashlight illuminated a long object stuck in the background. Pulled out of the half, could not, the object offered great resistance. Could see a metal texture. Grasped the object with his left hand and used his other hand to scrape the bottom, could play other hard. Vertical position took hold of his find, he used his feet to explore something else. Reported the made to John. He tried to place the sound, came the yacht and was introduced to water. Luckily, he met with Jose in a few minutes.
Juan verified the find. Ordered the youth to come up, could be exhausted. Sebastian advised to call everyone to board the yacht. Continued to examine the object, moved a meter and went looking, did play roughly. His problem now was how to signal the place. He tried to climb vertically until you see the yacht. Could make an estimate of the distance and direction. Sebastian asked to throw the anchor, the boat did not leave his position.
When John returned, all surrounded José, the questions followed one another rapidly, the shy Joseph could not answer everything, and had so many details. Juan asked calmly, Claudia and William they kept repeating: "We were sure we were going to find a treasure."
needed rest, John was very tense. Cristina, which was in all the little details, served drinks and talked about other things.
When they had rested, John went to Claudia and William: wear the suits, he told them well controlled oxygen tanks, do not forget anything, others wait up.
The man and two youths were thrown overboard. It was not hard to get there. Claudia and William stirred the bottom with all their might. Guillermo was able to separate some indefinitely. Claudia rescued a small object like a coin. They had spent much time submerged, the man said it was time to leave. Claudia and Guillermo showed
findings, all examined, there was no doubt: the girl had found a gold coin.
John looked at the horizon with his binoculars, he recognized a patrol boat was captained by his friend Bermúdez. Contacted him by radio. Asked them to come, he said that there was no emergency, Bermúdez wanted to greet and joke a bit. The friend nodded. When little patrol came close, John returned to radio, Bermudez asked to come to the yacht. Bermudez was a bohemian, soon was climbing the ladder of the yacht. John moved away with him some distance from the youth group, told him everything. Bermúdez sensed that it was no joke, I knew John very well. He promised to get things like digging deeper would the next day that did not work. They agreed that John would plunge to indicate the place and Bermúdez direct the crew placed a buoy.
"Nobody asked anything, he said, the guys I know, we're old" sea dogs "and we shut up. Everyone wanted
return to diving, John was adamant; again the next day early, at seven, would be in the Puerto del Buceo. None asked for explanations regarding the changes.
All were in the right place, some before the scheduled time. Juan gave instructions. Sebastian is in charge of the yacht, he and his friends sail on a barge. Young observed a multitude of tools deposited in the old boat Bermúdez, barely acknowledged shovels, picks, dense networks piled knew nothing more than what they saw.
Older men decided that Martina and men spend on the barge. I would teach the use of that tooling. The girls would stay on the yacht aiding Sebastian and alert to any call that would be submerged. Cristina
suggested that some were dressed in bathing suits and take the sun on the deck. He understood that this would dispel suspicions, one of the beach could feel the changes, but sun was nothing strange.
The search yielded more results than expected. When emerged, carrying many objects in the bags of networks. Bermúdez
confessed to John that it was a ship found the effort worthwhile. Bring forward their annual leave to work with the group. Agreed not to raise undue expectations among young people. On
following were of hard work. Juan Bermudez and taught us all to use the tools, make a good dig and how to collect objects. Would work in shifts organized by Martina. She knew better than anyone the skills and endurance of each: they had been taught to dive.
all knew as they were recovering the treasure from a ship.
The summer ended. They had a multitude of antique pieces that tried to recognize or imagine what role they would have complied. Lacked the tools to raise the ship, or important parts. It was time to start showing his find, beat many doors but nobody believed them. Decided to expose part of the treasure the window of a shopping mall. People looked more or less attention, was used to seeing all, many had lost their sense of wonder. One woman said aloud: "This does
any craftsman, you only need talent, a little paint and a metal pusher. Ah! -Continued-Young?, What mistake! A man thought
years: that it is difficult to distinguish reality from fantasy at this time.
"Look at that," said a young man to another who was walking with him for the shopping.
- What? There are crazy for everyone! For this to come out in the press .... Note the sign: "Objects found by a group of Malvin youth. " "Also our age join the lies?
-You give an opinion foolish. Why doubt these guys?
"Stop philosophizing and make your imagination, that's over, is ancient. Come on with it. There are new models of sports shoes. How good! What a fabulous brand!
exposure gave no result. The press released an article in the Trivia section. The most common titles are "Youth say they have found a strange object" or "Fantasy invade us." Claudia
sent the statement of the facts to an editorial announced a publication on urban legends. Was to select a group of stories. Not included his narrative. The published in a collection of stories for children titled "The Treasure of the Playa Malvin"
The group continued their lives. Joseph studied Archaeology. Martina finished her degree as a marine biologist. Sebastian became Commander. Guillermo specialized in Underwater Archaeology. Claudia studied Literature and is a good writer. John and Bermúdez did not study anything because it had completed the "university of life." Others were engineers, paleontologists, journalist, historian. All formed couples, some already had children. Excelled in their professions and worked successfully.
But every summer Malvin returning to the beach in search of treasure. Aurora
Malvin Montevideo is a city on the shore of a wide estuary. It is surrounded by diverse and beautiful beaches. Its people love water, play in it. Some enjoy watching her sitting in the sand. Other swim, surf, canoeing, or simply dive into the high waves. Martina
canoeing and taught children and youth in Malvin Beach. This occurred in the summers.
One day, he became interested in diving. His adventurous spirit invited her to discover the secrets of the deep.
When he had mastered the art of diving, invited other young people. Thus, began long walks in the bottom of the estuary. The shoals are abundant in these waters, there are legends and realities of vessels caught from the white man sailed here. The wrecks of pirate ships and English and Portuguese navies were common from the sixteenth century. Martina knew
these stories, but had no intention of seeking lost treasures was enough to enjoy nature and swim in deep water.
Every day of summer, these young adventurers met on the coast. It began the ritual of dressing wet suits, control all the instruments and jump to the yacht's uncle William. This yacht allowed to enter several miles offshore. John, as they called the owner of the boat, keeping the cables from the divers, he communicated with them and was alert to any setback. He was one of the adventurers. Sebastian
admired the work of John, many days, leaving the dive and stayed with him protecting other. He learned to handle all safety equipment. John invited him to guide the boat from the helm. Since that day, Sebastian was a sailor. Little by little he learned the ancient art of floating on the water. Also, learn about life. The conversation was pleasant Juan and full of wisdom. The sea knew that Sebastian came to imagine with a red beard, pipe, fragrant, eye covered and wooden leg. The jeans and shirt stripes sailors returning from his fantasy. Sebastian
left to travel daily diving with John riding the waves.
William and Claudia were the owners of fantasy in the group. They yes dreamed of a treasure buried in a sandbank. Convinced John that sailed to the island of the Gulls. Then, unable to reach the island of Flores. This last was an old prison. It was full of ghosts, the two young men thought they heard cries of tortured prisoners. Juan dissuaded, we showed that these cries came from the water when it climbed to the old building, hitting the wall hard and returned a mournful echo.
Again, wanted to go in the evening, the beach of La Mulata. They knew the legend of a woman coming out of the water to the sand dance in full moon nights. La Mulata had been a slave to time colonial. Her beauty captivated a young patrician. They loved by the beach, out of sight of the system. One day, Mulata died of love. His beloved did not make the appointment. The girl went out to dance the nights of full moon. Martina
and the group continued diving. Sebastian defected to continue at the helm and John. Claudia and William
risked, always looking for unknown areas, often separated from the group. Bear the anger of others and listened to the advice of John, but they insisted. One morning, touched something hard buried in the background came up with the news. John called the others, Sebastian left by the yacht and he jumped to dive with youth. The headlights showed the object: it was a sunken fishing vote short time earlier. John remembered the episode and raging waters that day by the great storm. Diving
was a pleasure sharing the depth to fish and other water creatures swimming next to them without departing. They met several species and knew where to find them grouped in a pod.
The summer came to an end. The waters were warmer March. Everyone had to go back to school, follow the routine and wait until next summer.
The following year, the month of December started with very hot days, which announced a good summer. Young and John resumed their meetings on the beach Malvin. Dived more safely and every day, announced a new project.
One morning, Joseph was advanced to the group, swam faster, moved some of their peers. It was a strange behavior because he was always very disciplined. Juan followed the advice not to stray from each other. His flashlight illuminated a long object stuck in the background. Pulled out of the half, could not, the object offered great resistance. Could see a metal texture. Grasped the object with his left hand and used his other hand to scrape the bottom, could play other hard. Vertical position took hold of his find, he used his feet to explore something else. Reported the made to John. He tried to place the sound, came the yacht and was introduced to water. Luckily, he met with Jose in a few minutes.
Juan verified the find. Ordered the youth to come up, could be exhausted. Sebastian advised to call everyone to board the yacht. Continued to examine the object, moved a meter and went looking, did play roughly. His problem now was how to signal the place. He tried to climb vertically until you see the yacht. Could make an estimate of the distance and direction. Sebastian asked to throw the anchor, the boat did not leave his position.
When John returned, all surrounded José, the questions followed one another rapidly, the shy Joseph could not answer everything, and had so many details. Juan asked calmly, Claudia and William they kept repeating: "We were sure we were going to find a treasure."
needed rest, John was very tense. Cristina, which was in all the little details, served drinks and talked about other things.
When they had rested, John went to Claudia and William: wear the suits, he told them well controlled oxygen tanks, do not forget anything, others wait up.
The man and two youths were thrown overboard. It was not hard to get there. Claudia and William stirred the bottom with all their might. Guillermo was able to separate some indefinitely. Claudia rescued a small object like a coin. They had spent much time submerged, the man said it was time to leave. Claudia and Guillermo showed
findings, all examined, there was no doubt: the girl had found a gold coin.
John looked at the horizon with his binoculars, he recognized a patrol boat was captained by his friend Bermúdez. Contacted him by radio. Asked them to come, he said that there was no emergency, Bermúdez wanted to greet and joke a bit. The friend nodded. When little patrol came close, John returned to radio, Bermudez asked to come to the yacht. Bermudez was a bohemian, soon was climbing the ladder of the yacht. John moved away with him some distance from the youth group, told him everything. Bermúdez sensed that it was no joke, I knew John very well. He promised to get things like digging deeper would the next day that did not work. They agreed that John would plunge to indicate the place and Bermúdez direct the crew placed a buoy.
"Nobody asked anything, he said, the guys I know, we're old" sea dogs "and we shut up. Everyone wanted
return to diving, John was adamant; again the next day early, at seven, would be in the Puerto del Buceo. None asked for explanations regarding the changes.
All were in the right place, some before the scheduled time. Juan gave instructions. Sebastian is in charge of the yacht, he and his friends sail on a barge. Young observed a multitude of tools deposited in the old boat Bermúdez, barely acknowledged shovels, picks, dense networks piled knew nothing more than what they saw.
Older men decided that Martina and men spend on the barge. I would teach the use of that tooling. The girls would stay on the yacht aiding Sebastian and alert to any call that would be submerged. Cristina
suggested that some were dressed in bathing suits and take the sun on the deck. He understood that this would dispel suspicions, one of the beach could feel the changes, but sun was nothing strange.
The search yielded more results than expected. When emerged, carrying many objects in the bags of networks. Bermúdez
confessed to John that it was a ship found the effort worthwhile. Bring forward their annual leave to work with the group. Agreed not to raise undue expectations among young people. On
following were of hard work. Juan Bermudez and taught us all to use the tools, make a good dig and how to collect objects. Would work in shifts organized by Martina. She knew better than anyone the skills and endurance of each: they had been taught to dive.
all knew as they were recovering the treasure from a ship.
The summer ended. They had a multitude of antique pieces that tried to recognize or imagine what role they would have complied. Lacked the tools to raise the ship, or important parts. It was time to start showing his find, beat many doors but nobody believed them. Decided to expose part of the treasure the window of a shopping mall. People looked more or less attention, was used to seeing all, many had lost their sense of wonder. One woman said aloud: "This does
any craftsman, you only need talent, a little paint and a metal pusher. Ah! -Continued-Young?, What mistake! A man thought
years: that it is difficult to distinguish reality from fantasy at this time.
"Look at that," said a young man to another who was walking with him for the shopping.
- What? There are crazy for everyone! For this to come out in the press .... Note the sign: "Objects found by a group of Malvin youth. " "Also our age join the lies?
-You give an opinion foolish. Why doubt these guys?
"Stop philosophizing and make your imagination, that's over, is ancient. Come on with it. There are new models of sports shoes. How good! What a fabulous brand!
exposure gave no result. The press released an article in the Trivia section. The most common titles are "Youth say they have found a strange object" or "Fantasy invade us." Claudia
sent the statement of the facts to an editorial announced a publication on urban legends. Was to select a group of stories. Not included his narrative. The published in a collection of stories for children titled "The Treasure of the Playa Malvin"
The group continued their lives. Joseph studied Archaeology. Martina finished her degree as a marine biologist. Sebastian became Commander. Guillermo specialized in Underwater Archaeology. Claudia studied Literature and is a good writer. John and Bermúdez did not study anything because it had completed the "university of life." Others were engineers, paleontologists, journalist, historian. All formed couples, some already had children. Excelled in their professions and worked successfully.
But every summer Malvin returning to the beach in search of treasure. Aurora
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