Linares Dr.Jose Cerón
Have I command you be strong and courageous, do not be discouraged for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
USA - (AGENCIALAVOZ.ORG) If the pain is constitutive of human life, surely it would be necessary to prevent preparásemos us all, learning to not making the mistakes that invariably bring us suffering ; mastering techniques of prayer and perseverance of faith and encouragement to be courageous in days of sorrow.
Through prayer and action, our thinking helps us to minimize its devastating effects, God trained in how to live with it with more equanimity as possible, knowing that, knowing the causes and effects of pain, we can overcome it, and bring us to spiritual maturity to excellence, to always live in victory.
While we imperfect beings and ignorant, while in this world, suffering is inevitable. However, it can be understood. And this understanding will allow us to use it, rather than a curse or a conviction, as a genuine path of perfection, that is through the narrow road, get home, where suffering and pain and death do not exist, but peace , eternal love and divine love of our loving God will be our dawn, forever, for eternity.
In love, God knew that our consciousness needed to be liberated from the guilt of sin and sentence. He knew that forgiveness of sins was our greatest need. In a supreme act of love, God not only suffered the pain of our mistakes, but also paid the consequences, so we can get the forgiveness offered to us - John 3:16.
For those who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, forgiveness is given to them free. If we recognize our mistakes and ask forgiveness, God will forgive us, do not ask questions. "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9).
Most of us do not accept suffering, but we want to get away from him as a menacing monster, a terrible plague. When we hit, rather than assume it to try to understand we usually take a "flight forward", drawing on the alienation of distractions and entertainment that you so richly provides us with our culture. Well, if we ignore it, escape, evade get momentarily, but still there, with its load
distressing pain of our mistakes, learn teaches us, makes us mature ... helps us to not make more mistakes, and therefore not to suffer more pain. I do not want mature giving up, I want to understand, not run away, I walk, dignity and firmness, if the stones or thorns make it difficult just need God's light to walk it. His love set me free from all doubt or fear prison. My light is your words, dear Jesus you're my best friend, only you, if I brighten up, I will be able to walk this path of darkness and death in Jesus Name, Amen!
Pastor José Linares Cerón is President / Founder of International Ciprofam is president of the Movement for the family Internacional.Tiene Doctorate in Theology, Missions and Psychology, a Masters in Marriage and Familiar.Doctorado Psychology, Family and president Derecho.Es International prayer ministry with more than 600,000 intercessors the World. And the magazine is "Who's Who in the world" as a family most influential speakers