MADRID .- (AGENCIALAVOZ.ORG) The most up to date on treatment for depressed adolescents not has yielded good news. Published in the latest Archives of General Psychiatry, the study noted that although the majority responded well to treatment, after year, half again develop the disease.
think so study authors, who recognize that "seems not yet have a therapy that actually prevent the disease recurrence. And we do not have a flag that indicates what people treatment will rest with the disease, "says John Curry, Medical Center, Duke University (Durham, USA) and lead author of the research. Cesar
Soutullo, director of the Child Psychiatry Unit of the University Hospital of Navarra acknowledges that the "work is very interesting and indicates that with proper treatment and monitoring, combining medication and psychotherapy, adolescents with depression get high response rates to treatment. However, relapses were also frequent.
For this expert, this fact "indicates that the treatment must be maintained long enough." The goal, he adds, should be complete remission, because patients with residual symptoms were the were more likely to relapse. In addition, she says, "All this points to the biological origin of depression, because although the children have had an environmental stressors to the onset of depression (which precipitated the disease) this was not the cause, then fell in its absence. Depression, therefore, is a serious problem of biological origin in adolescents. "
The research was conducted with 86 boys and 110 girls aged 14 to 22 years, participants in the Study of Treatment of Depression in Adolescents ( TADS, its acronym in English) and notes that although many exceeded the disease after years to develop it in half again. All patients were divided into four groups to undergo the following interventions: 12 weeks fluotexina (Prozac ), cognitive-behavioral therapy, both therapies or a placebo.
"To those who did not receive psychotherapy, advised them to participate in meetings with the specialist for basic support. Also, that after three months treatment with placebo experienced no improvement was told to choose among the three therapies, "the essay.
Depression is a mental illness more prevalent among adolescents. "It affects 5.6% of girls and 4.6% of men. Is associated with functional impairment, increased risk of suicide and depression in adulthood. It is therefore important to investigate not only the effectiveness of treatments, but also its effectiveness in reducing subsequent negative results, especially the recurrence of depression " discuss the study's authors.
The data reveal that 96% of participants recovered from their first depressive episode during the five years of study, including 88% who passed the disease in the first two years. To the surprise of researchers, after five years of follow up, 47% relapsed into depression, regardless of treatment received. Surprise
also found it striking to note that, "contrary to what we thought, or young people who recovered fully after 12 weeks of treatment or the combination of fluoxetine with cognitive therapy reduced the risk of relapse. However, it is true those who responded only partially to therapy were more likely to have depression return with time ", they say.
The authors also warned that are girls (57%) than boys (33%) the most likely to succumb to a new depression, as happens to those who, in addition to this condition, suffering from anxiety. For the authors of the research is important to emphasize that "those who return to face depression scored very high on scales measuring suicidal thoughts and behaviors, "added
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