Thursday, January 27, 2011

Baixar Manual Placa Mae Mv42v1.3

In Peru will begin a frontal fight ever seen in Latin America, in defense of family values \u200b\u200b

PERU .- (AGENCIALAVOZ.ORG) Ciprofam leaders and movement pro-family, led by Dr. Jose Linares Cerón, have been coordinating with various religious beliefs, social organizations to address the pro gay agenda in Peru. Has had great results, they are also waiting for a new national survey of gay marriage in the coming days. While it is true that until today we have no public statement of organizations representing evangelical and any other entity that claims to represent shepherds.

Nor is there press release of prominent and representative pastors organized religion with the authorities of Peru. Catholic clergy members causes surprise at the silence of the churches Protestant. A Catholic bishop who asked to remain anonymous said, "Pentecostals to us are the radical evangelicals, and we are surprised they are taking activism across Latin America, which are identified with the International Ciprofam work." The largest churches in Peru are the Pentecostals are almost 90%, also a majority in the world, and his activism on behalf of family and life has preoccupied the pro gay and abortion organizations. José Linares has been coupled to the confessions of faith and civil society, one flag, the family and the unborn, and comprehensive programs for the welfare of families, with policies status. Its success is growing in different parts of the world. Some English sociologists like Dr. José Vidal think the success of the World Pentecostal Ciprofam is why the founders are also Pentecostal, social success is the charisma and passion for family issues, something Linares is considered to one of the best speakers in the family in the world. In universities where he has given his lectures has been greater activism in the non-religious, that has given him a power not only religious but social, as Peruvians still do not know their social and political influence. Even Hollywood's major artists have asked Linares travel together in some countries to promote family values. In Peru, the war is declared, the fight will face. The pro-family movement whose founder is Dr. Jose Linares, has been an activist in a social sector, which includes social organizations has always been a headache for successive governments. Now we know that the draft "Hate crimes" which was not approved in Peru, went by the social explosion that would happen in all of Peru. That police sources gave the alarm to the authorities for the support of social organizations that support Linares. Do not forget that the opposition and ruling party congress, where José Linares has influential friends, who were in favor of not approving "Hate crimes", but the first of November were informed that they would not meet the commitment, but would vote for, for the attention of the press for this project. Linares and his brothers, and pro-family movement beginning to organize shutdowns in any country, supported by social organizations, in response to betrayal, despite threats of being reported by the prosecution of instigators of civil protest, had no fear faced by their faith and beliefs of parents, thousands of pastors joined in fasting and prayer, there were tense negotiations, and agreed not to support "hate crimes." I invite the Pentecostal pastors and pro-family leaders to witness the victory of God in the Peruvian parliament. The evangelical pastors who witnessed the battle, now share in the Costa, Sierra y Selva del Peru, which happened on November 11, 2010. Some jealous so-called evangelical leaders, said that the Linares brothers just looking for a seat in Congress of the Republic, but he always denied this possibility, but the truth is that the Pro-Family movement is supporting hundreds of congressional candidates to participate in different games with a single objective and an agenda of work, family.

According Javier

Romagnolo a young banker, and pro-life leader of Spain said that in Peru we will begin a frontal view of history never Peru and Latin America, is fought on three fronts, legal, political and social. Recall that three months ago in a gay magazine extremist California, called the death of Jose Linares, claiming that living is a threat against gay and pro-abortion agenda. Also why was his home and schools where their children studied. Today, the security measures are extreme, it was not easy to talk with the pastor Linares. Before closing we speak to the pastor writing Linares José Cerón president of Pro Family International, said, "We confront the enemies of the family in different ways, first, prayer, participation and information. " Also told us that it made him laugh to say that gays are three million in Peru, they are just a group to just go out in their parades, politicians are ill-informed, we can decide who can be president and not them. We will measure force in this election campaign, God with us who can be against us. We also stated that International Ciprofam pronounced in the coming hours, they were expected to be evangelical institutions, to do so, but the facts show otherwise. Also reported that hundreds of thousands will million posters and flyers to elect new officers, to defend and protect family values, that in no way vote for politicians who are in favor of homosexual unions because it is called homosexual civil marriage and not going to allow, we will fight, respect the privacy of all human beings but can not change the rules under the guise of modernization. Assure that more than five million pro-life activist and family who are willing to fight for their families and lives of the unborn. Said Jose Linares. In Peru, we received a press release today the Catholic bishops expressed their rejection of abortion, euthanasia, genetic manipulation and gay marriage in a message to guide the faithful to the legislative and presidential elections next April. In a message delivered today by President of the Peruvian Episcopal Conference, Miguel Cabrejos, the bishops recalled that "without expressing a preference for any ballot measures" have a "duty to direct the faithful in those approaches, their implications Religious contradict the teachings of the Church. "
Thus, bishops urge voters to "be alert to the proposals that violate the natural law, respect for human dignity, truth and practice justice."
In this regard, said they "can not be accepted under any argument the abortion, euthanasia, genetic manipulation ".
" The respect and defense of life from the first moment of conception until natural death is inevitable all approach, "said the message.
Regarding the controversy over the proposal to promote the union of same sex, raised by the Peru Possible party of former president Alejandro Toledo, the Church reiterated that "marriage is the foundation of the family and society, and is of fundamental importance for the real development" .
added that "marriage is not just any union between persons" but "stable and indissoluble union of a man and woman complement each other and delivered in a relationship open to life ".
Peruvian bishops reaffirmed that marriage is recognized in this way for the great cultures and by the Political Constitution of Peru and, therefore," no other can match reality. "
The bishops' statement is made public while still not closed an intense debate on the legalization of marriage or civil unions between homosexuals, which has "warmed" the election campaign.
On the other hand, the bishops recommended that plans Government take into account the ecology and rational use of natural resources, "consulting time to the people and communities in whose territory the land grants given and licenses for exploitation of natural resources. "
Thus, the Church seeks to prevent future conflicts and confrontations" so much pain "caused (in reference to the Bagua indigenous uprising that left 25 dead in 2009) and" combat abuses such as drug trafficking and depletion of coastal, highland and jungle. "
also asked that proposals to Government to express a real commitment to the needy, to promote discussions to cast a responsible and informed media that exercise the freedom of expression searching for truth, justice and the common good.
Finally, the Peruvian bishops made an invocation for God to enlighten all citizens "to elect the most capable and more dedication to service" and that the authorities "to grant them the wisdom needed to ensure the common good."

Friday, January 21, 2011

Amsale Wedding Dresses

Why do they call 9 months ...?

MADRID .- (AGENCIALAVOZ.ORG) If you mean 40 weeks? One of the first things you learn when a woman is pregnant is to tell the time in the calendar for weeks. So soon discovers that pregnancy lasts more than you ever thought almost 10 months. So why do they call it nine months?

Dr. Antonio González, head of the area The Hospital Universitario La Paz, Madrid, says the key to these 'accounts of the old' which can confuse more than one: "The length of pregnancy varies depending on if you count from the date of the last rule, either the last ovulation. "

The trick, he says, is that most women know exactly when you last menstruated, while it is impossible to know when ovulation occurred (unless the pregnancy is the result of a single sex. ") Therefore, conventionally, "in the query add 280 days from the date of the last rule to calculate the date of delivery." Ie 40 weeks. If you were

one of those women who can accurately calculate your ovulation (usually around 14 days after the rule), "real time that passes the fetus in the womb from conception to birth is 266 days (equivalent to nine months of pregnancy have been attributed to life). That is, 38 weeks.

As clarifies the gynecologist Madrid, due to these accounts, it is considered that the pregnancy has come to an end when the woman has completed between 37 and 42 weeks of pregnancy. Below, a pregnancy is considered preterm, while 42 weeks ago talking about a prolonged pregnancy and in many schools choose to induce labor to avoid risks to the mother and baby. "After that limit, the placenta, which is the lung of the fetus, age, and that can cause respiratory problems and feeding."

Despite the progress, science, social changes have occurred, the 266 days remain an immutable biological measure, says Gonzalez. "The only difference is that once spoke of lunar months to calculate the output of bills and now we have turned to weeks and days, but between 70% -80% of women meet the 280 days after your last period" .

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Long Does Plan B Stay Your System

benefits up to stretch my legs

SPAIN. (AGENCIALAVOZ.ORG) Stand to pick up the phone, get up to talk to a coworker instead of e-mail, go to the bathroom on a floor that is higher than yours ... Are some of the 'little things' to do in his work to preserve the health of your heart. For the first time, a study finds that spending too much time sitting, without pausing, is related to several risk indicators of heart disease.

"The benefits of regular participation in moderate intensity exercise are well accepted scientifically strong and the general public. However, the potentially harmful impact study for the health of prolonged sitting (which is something we do, on average, more than half the days), just in progress. Our research highlights the importance of considering the prolonged sedentary behavior is a health risk. This fact should be taken into account in future public health guidelines. In particular, our results may have implications for the places where workers typically spend much time sitting, such as offices, "says Genevieve Haely, University of Queensland (Australia) and lead author of the essay.

Posted in the final ' European Heart Journal, the study has been carried out 4,757 men and women with a mean age of 45. All of them carried an accelerometer for seven days (device used to measure body movement and know well the energy expended).

More waist and cholesterol

Also, all participants were measured waist circumference (which details the concentration of fat in the abdominal area and, therefore, is a good thing to know when health cardiovascular), blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose and plasma insulin and C-reactive protein levels (a marker of inflammation and, therefore, cardiac risk)

The data found that those who spent more time seated without getting up had a greater waist circumference, lower levels of HLD cholesterol (the 'good') and higher levels of C-reactive protein and triglycerides.

The good news is that "breaks, ie up often, regardless of time of sitting, had a positive impact on the waist measurement and the values \u200b\u200bof C-reactive protein and glucose ", the authors acknowledge the research.

They also insisted that "a long time in the chair is a habit that will probably increase in future due to technological innovations, so reduce and regulate the time spent sitting can be an important health message along with the recommendation to exercise regularly. "

Speaking Villacastín Julian, chief of the Electrophysiology Unit of the Institute of Cardiology, Hospital San Carlos de Madrid, says that "the study seems very original, witty and interesting and important implications, because it is clear that increasingly tends to be more 'complacent' and implement measures that require us to get up in the end we brings more health. In defining how long ... the more times better, but the important thing is sure that almost everyone can improve their physical implementation of the breaks. "

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Pokemon Cards Value Chart

Ejecting the spirit of divorce

Dr. Jose Linares Cerón

USA - ( AGENCIALAVOZ.ORG) In writing this article, I worried about how much mail I get, for couples considering divorce, in some cases have been married two or three times, let me start by saying that like you, I too am distressed to see how divorce is so common today.

And what grieves me most is knowing that many Christians are divorce, including those in the ministry. This is a great tragedy. We must do everything we can to prevent this happening follow, some write to me and ask me what should I do to avoid becoming a victim of divorce?. Both should love God above all things, and love your neighbor, in marriage the first neighbor, is your wife (o), genuinely born again and the two followers of Christ, praying and fasting together, studying, participating in conferences, workshops etc marriages. To be trained to deal with difficult situation, having a pastor or marriage counselor confidence, learn how to tolerate each other, talk, never punish your partner sexually, this will cause more serious problems and cause misunderstandings. That helped a lot to the spirit of divorce, do not enter your house, so easily. Learn to say I love you, thank you, mutual respect and value one another and express our feelings in words loving, romantic, kind, (no cold man and woman, but poorly heated), but the years pass, our skin from wrinkling, He or she will be beautiful, and delicate woman that you love. Your private life will always be like the first time. Of course with more creativity, of course

currently spreading in the world is as normal and get back together, the problem is that people already went through a separation and are usually borne in pairs again. In the United States half of the couples end up separated and 67% of those who try to do it again too (and the third dealing 74%).
"If your first marriage lasted three to five years, nothing guarantees that the second time is forever." On the other hand, children and the age of those who have will be an important value that also influence when making the decision to separate: Children under age (under six years), the lower the probability of spreading . If God lives in your home, the spirit of divorce, and lies, does not fit into your home

Monday, January 10, 2011

Nadine Jensen Threads

The pediatrician we need

Dr.Juan Married
Chief of Pediatrics at Hospital Niño Jesús in Madrid
is a board member of Physicians for Ciprofam

SPAIN. - (AGENCIALAVOZ.ORG) From my point of view, to be a good pediatrician, you need not only an adequate level of technical and scientific knowledge of childcare and children's illnesses, for prevention and therapy, also an integral concept child.

Not just your gut problems, heart or kidney but also a conception of the child as an individual, whose biography of health is strongly influenced by life itself, for their social, emotional, nutritional, and not only by the absence or presence of infections or other organic diseases.

Undoubtedly, the pediatrician needs to be a good coach in his area of \u200b\u200bexpertise, a professional scholar who keep their knowledge up to date, the only way to apply advances in prevention, diagnosis and treatment. This requires a willingness to stay 'up', but also investment in time and money to keep up. Attendance at training courses, conferences, purchase of magazines scientific books and navigation or searching for reliable medical information through Internet, not always free.

Some physicians, especially those working in hospitals, collect and offer continuously updated information through clinical sessions, seminars or simply by asking or listening to the views of colleagues who have at hand. But others, most of the doctors responsible for the health of children, pediatricians and family physicians in primary care, neighborhoods or villages, have to make a considerable personal effort (and often economic) to keep 'the day '.

In general, employers, public or private institutions generally do not devote enough resources so that their doctors are constantly updated and trained.

But maintaining a good technical-scientific level, being essential, is not enough. Because not enough to know much about diabetes, celiac disease, congenital heart disease or disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is also necessary to know the social and human conditions of the patient. The child is not only a heart, intestine or pancreas patient, who feels and suffers is the brain, the child is an individual who lives, grows, suffers or enjoys not only influenced by these bodies sick or healthy, also for their social, economic, emotional and educational.

of little use in the diagnosis of celiac disease, diabetes or ADHD if the degree of compliance or adherence to treatment may be periodic or totally failed, either for economic, educational or social. Also, many of the diseases and symptoms in children are of social origin. Consequently, treating the symptom and not the cause, not only does not solve the problem, but sometimes it becomes chronic.

Doctors who care for children, pediatricians or not, must have a social and human sensitivity that allows them to see their patients in a holistic manner, within their cultural world, social, family and ethnicity. Serves not only, therefore, make the diagnosis, this is obviously essential, it should also be involved in knowing the origin of organic disease or not and their solution. For example, a girl who suffers from 'bullying' (bullying) develop psychosomatic symptoms such as dizziness, vomiting, weakness, or stomach pains, whose treatment is only effective when they caused the problem go away, not these fake medicines for ailments. In these cases, if the causes are social rather than organic, speaking and listening is more healing than prescribed.

In recent years, we are experiencing a severe crisis economic conditions are affecting children. A recent U.S. study has found an increasing number of abused children as the level of unemployment. Abuse is not just physical, it is especially not the child needs to provide food, health, comfort, education and affection. The environment, especially in the first years of life strongly influences health and disease, how it manifests and resolves it in the future consequences, not only physical growth, including in the balance maturity and learning ability.

Ultimately, from my point of view, to be a good doctor for children, it is necessary not only have a good technical and scientific level, also requires an integrated vision, social and human patient. In my opinion, people should demand this type of pediatricians, more studying, listening and speaking to the prescriber or fill out papers for analysis.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Novelty Ids Toronto Yonge Street

How to protect children from online sexual harassment

MADRID .- (AGENCIALAVOZ.ORG) Clara is 15 and for several days out of high school to chat with a stranger. She now considers him a friend. Do not know your real age, where you live, what you do, how is your face ... Not knowing, can not even be sure that the name that identifies it is true, but does not care.

feel, or intuit, the danger. Because after the 'apparent innocence' of this new 'ciberamistad' may be hiding a pederast.

Although Clara does not exist, true stories like yours are starting every day in too many parts of Spain and the world. Experts agree: the grooming is coming to life in recent years. This is the "set of strategies developed an adult to gain the trust of the child through the Internet to obtain sexual concessions," says Jorge Flores, director of the initiative PantallasAmigas.

No data on its incidence (real complaint only 1% of cases), and there is nothing encouraging. Recently, the technological crimes prosecutor of the Office of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bRoberto Álvarez, announced that "cases have soared by Internet harassment. Outcrop subjects who do 'grooming' to minors."

A more users, more risk

With the Web it is the same "that out of traffic operations. A more cars on the road, the more risk of accidents. More and more kids are being incorporated more strongly to new technologies and this is a loophole for predators that unfortunately exist, "he adds. Up to 15% of children Internet users between 10 and 17 years received a sexual solicitation and 34% of them are sexual material that has not searched.

Therefore, parents should teach their children two fundamental things that can curb a bully in cyberspace: how to say no and seek help before it's too late. "The same guidelines that guide the day to day are those used when it is in front of a computer.

raise awareness among children about the importance of privacy to follow certain rules and learn to make decisions is essential. And, all, to tell their parents so they can complain. It is important to know that they will not be scolded or prohibit the use of the Internet. " PantallasAmigas director adds.

Surely, most have retained in his memory close some of 'grooming'. Like the under 16 years of Chiclana (Cadiz) who was raped by an adult, after contacting the girl through the social network Tuenti.

Without deviating from the 'ground rules' that mark the 'grooming', the rapist was slowly garnering the confidence of the victim, posing as a teenager. He later began to harass and coerce the girl to force her to stay with him, threatening to extend the Web images it had obtained through deception. Finally, the victim attended the meeting Conil de la Frontera where sexual assault occurred. The approach

with lies (pedophiles trying to contact victims using false identities or lying on age) for friendship. From then on, everything is triggered and becomes unstoppable. But the turning point, as the director of PantallasAmigas, comes later.

"starts later when the harasser has something to blackmail his victim," he admits. And it provides an example. "The 16 years of Santurce to which a young man of 27, stole the keys Bilbao Messenger, so you could get in and access their 'secrets' to sensitive information. He had at his disposal the list of contacts of the girl and threatened to publicize their private emails to friends. So it was that happened to ask for a picture and started to blackmail ... Finally, they were. The girl was scared enough to seek help from their parents, who alerted the Police who attended the meeting between the two young men that led to the arrest of the stalker. "

A survey of EU Kids Online, funded by the European Commission to strengthen the empirical evidence on which policies are based on safety 'on line', reveals that 9% of European children between eleven and 16 years has been the victim of a bad use of personal data (Such as password or personal information).

addition, 29% of Internet users has been reported in the past with someone who previously knew face to face, an activity that can be dangerous but also fun for the child.

The work has been carried out with 23,240 web users in 25 European countries, including Spain, and one of his parents, whom he met during the spring and summer of 2010. Also reveals that 8% of children had known contact 'on line' in real life last year.

Social networks are often the gateway to these bullies. Because they are too often openly displays all the information of their potential victims.

"Although no new risks that are already online, there are too many minor details that you can access any stranger. After locating his victim and gain confidence to try to convince you to send photos. In the moment when the stranger has something of the victim: images, information stolen software, hence the importance of adequately protecting the team, "begins to blackmail, coercion and threat."

To reduce the risk of 'grooming' in children, experts advise: Avoid installing
web cameras (webcams) or restrict use by a program or using keys or parental controls.
Place the computer in public areas of the house.
Educating children on the dangers of the network have to explain basic security measures to prevent each of them. In the case of 'grooming' never to disclose personal data or passwords to known Internet.
is important to know your contacts, and revise their social networks. Protecting Data
. Minors must not fill in forms which give your personal data, friends or acquaintances or family.
hours. It is important not to chat

Monday, January 3, 2011

Muvies Laneuvas En Espanol

Chile's Constitutional Court will determine whether or not admissible states, gay marriage

Rev. Linares José Cerón

CHILE .- (AGENCIALAVOZ.ORG) Dear friends, until today, we have spoken with members of the Constitutional Court of Chile, despite the sympathy of some members of the court in favor of gay marriage, we believe that our arguments have been convincing.

I would have liked and active civic participation of the evangelical community and other faiths. We have an obligation to care for and defend the morality of the nation against any initiative that wants to destroy the family.
wish to inform the public that the Second Chamber of the Constitutional Court on Tuesday discussed January 4 at 9:30 am the question raised by the Court of Appeals of Santiago, in order to determine whether the current marriage law violates the Constitution or not to keep the link between same sex.
In particular the Constitutional Court must determine whether declared or not permissible to analyze the inquiry or to fix a position on this, ask some questions to the Court of Appeals to clarify its request. I ask your prayers, Chile is a nation that does not deserve this infamy against the man and woman marriage.

Whats It Like To Shoot A 30/30

The Smoke blind your eyes, but also those of other

By: Antoni Trilla

SPAIN. (AGENCIALAVOZ.ORG) In the time of publishing this blog, the implementation of the reform of the smoking ban will be a reality in Spain. No longer allows smoking in bars, restaurants, entertainment or closed, or in hospitals (anywhere in the room) or in schools (except for open areas of the university campus). The legislation is late (and in 2003 signed the Framework Convention for the Control of Snuff), comes something touched, but comes to an end.

'll see if people smoking (sure with time itself) are adapted to the rules and, finally, I can move around the school without seeing some (few, but some) students, researchers, teachers and professionals in smoking the cloister. And we'll see if I can go to replenish my caffeine levels in any of the bars surrounding the hospital without fear of leaving more awake, but the smoke conjunctivitis 'blind my eyes'! (Actually, the phrase should be 'the smoke comes into my eyes', from' The Platters'...).

I am not (nor have I ever been) smokers. My father died two months ago by a stroke, and its 'there' was to have been a heavy smoker (of Celtic and Ducados, yes, no imported blondes things) from his youth until age 45, age their first myocardial infarction, followed by a couple of strokes a few more and coronary bypass. For five years was half-paralyzed body (hemiplegia) and could not communicate with us (aphasia) for a heart attack, this time the brain. My mother died two years ago for lung cancer. She just had smoked a cigarette in his life, but shared with my father over 25 years of 'passive smoking'. The snuff, in my house, has always been synonymous with disease.

There are over 1,000 million smokers in the world, which in turn exposed to about 2,000 million more people to smoke their cigarettes (so-called passive smoking). The journal Lancet published a very comprehensive study with 2004 data, which quantifies the ill health that situation, passive smoking or 'second hand', is. According to the authors, 1% of global mortality attributable to the fact passively inhale smoke snuff and 60% of this burden of disease falls on children. The absolute numbers provided by this study are chilling: snuff smoke (passive) is the cause of 379,000 deaths from coronary heart disease, 165,000 respiratory infections, asthma 36,900 and 21,400 lung cancer. In total, more than 600,000 deaths annually are attributable to being a passive smoker.

ban on smoking in public places Spain among the 17 most advanced countries in this regard. However, there is a 'black hole' fatal: most passive exposure to tobacco snuff is produced at home, and this is where children are exposed and many women do not smoke. 90% of parents smokers smoke in their homes and 80% are in the proximity of their children. The education of these is therefore essential to protect children.
started the year with a 14-20% of English smokers among those under 15 years and 22-32% of smokers among adults.

Among the good intentions of each new year, many people quit formula: Cheer up! Not only a great purpose for our individual health but for our entire family, especially for our children or grandchildren. Can do, smoking is clearly harmful to their health, their families and the health of all, that is, to public health.