"Sex of heart?
. (AGENCIALAVOZ.ORG) is good news, sport and sex, the better the more often. Regular exercise and maintained (even funnier) improves vitality and shields the heart. Play a practice match with friends on Saturdays only or to maintain 'Easter to Ramos' can be risky, according to new research, increases the likelihood of heart attack and sudden death.
This is the conclusion reached by a group of U.S. scientists after conducting an investigation that will surely change the 'life plan' for more than one. In fact, the findings indicate an association between the sporadic and an increased risk of heart attack or even die suddenly. Issa
Dahabreh, Tufts University, Massachusetts (USA), and author of the new research, gives a respite to the male population ELMUNDO.es to recognize that "most importantly, these partnerships seem to be strongly modified by physical activity. People who exercise regularly have a much lower risk than those with low levels. There are many chances that our findings will be misinterpreted: The test does not convey that people should stop exercising or having sex, but have to do more routine. " José Luis Zamorano
, director of the Cardiovascular Institute Hospital Clínico Universitario San Carlos de Madrid, noted that "the message is clear: Men who have sex once a month, for example, or those who decide to play a tennis match Saturday without exercising the rest of the week are the ones most likely to suffer a heart attack or die suddenly. "
Despite this reality, the specialist calls for restraint. "The incidence of these events in people who do sport regularly or have sex every once in a while is, however, low. In fact, cases are recorded annually in the study are one to three males per 10,000.
The same view is José María Maroto, coordinator of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit of Hospital Ramón y Cajal in Madrid. "We must appreciate that this is a review of studies and is made retrospectively. That is, what can not be known in this study is whether men who suffered heart attacks had undiagnosed heart disease. "
Regular exercise
As published the latest issue of the journal 'The Journal of the American Medical Association "(JAMA), Dr. Dahabreh and his team conducted a systematic review of published studies to examine the association between physical activity and sporadic sexual and serious cardiac events. Also examined whether exercise regularly or not this relationship reversed.
Of the 6,648 studies identified in medical databases, the researchers looked at last 14, where the average age was over 60 years. The data show that in general there is a possible association between exercise and a heart attack (3.5 times increased risk). In addition, there has been an increased potential for sudden death when the sport is practiced sporadically.
Also men with a regular sexual life are 2.7 times more risk of suffering a heart attack than the more 'regular'. For the more sporty comfort, the test reveals that "those with higher levels of activity have much lower risk of heart. In fact, the chances of heart attack triggered by exercise were reduced by about 45% and sudden death 30%. "
sex outside the couple
In its conclusions, the authors acknowledge that "further studies are needed to confirm these results." They believe, moreover, it is important to control "other risk factors for the sporadic sexual activity or as the exposure of males to snuff, caffeine, emotional stress or drug use."
Both Dr. Marotta and Dr. Zamorano insist that what is shown is that the risk of heart attack or sudden death in people who have few sex often occurs, especially in those who do non-partners usual. "About 90% of sudden deaths during sex occurs in men who were not with your partner. The stress of the situation, not wanting to look bad ... could be behind this exertion," says Dr. Marotta.
They insist, moreover, the importance of "walking 40 minutes a day to protect the heart of any cardiac event. But above all, people need to know what is actually your cardiac risk "
Friday, April 15, 2011
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The real 'miracle' to take an apple a day
SPAIN. (AGENCIALAVOZ.ORG) Do not hesitate, nothing like eating an apple a day to maintain heart health. The Anglo-Saxon old saying 'an apple a day Keeps the doctor away '(an apple a day keeps the doctor away from you) I could not walk better targeted on the basis of the data presented during the Congress of Experimental Biology 2011, which is taking place these days in Washington (USA).
There, researchers at the University of Florida, led by Bahram Arjamandi have presented data from a study conducted with 160 women posmenopáuiscas between 45 and 65. Half of them ate an apple a day (75 grams per day for one year) while the rest (the control group) ingested the same amount but raisins. In all analytical underwent three, six and 12 months into the trial.
"Animal studies have found that pectin and polyphenols (quercetin and flavonoids, antioxidants found primarily in the skin of the fruit) improve the level of lipid metabolism and reduce the production of inflammatory molecules associated with cardiac risk, such as C-reactive protein, "says Dr. Arjamdandi.
some studies in humans also have found the benefits of apple (rich in fiber, vitamins A and C, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and flavonoids) in helping to prevent cancer, heart disease or improve the rate of glucose in type 2 diabetics .
Now, the expert from Florida and his team have found "incredible changes that occur in cholesterol levels after six months of eating an apple a day," said Bahram Arjamandi.
Thus, women who ate the fruit fell by 23% 'bad' cholesterol (LDL) and increased by 4% 'good' (HDL) compared to those who followed the diet of raisins. In addition, another advantage provided by the consumer Fruit 'miracle' is that, despite the consumption of 230 extra calories a day, this did not lead to weight gain. Quite the opposite: "the women who ate lost an average of almost 1,500 grams," they said. Rating
José Luis Zamorano, director of the Cardiovascular Institute Hospital Clínico San Carlos de Madrid, ELMUNDO.es recognizes that the study "demonstrates the protective power of the block in atherosclerosis. No doubt will be due to nutritional of it. This fruit is rich in pectin, a substance that has favorable properties in cholesterol metabolism. " It also aims to
that "caused the decline LDL cholesterol will help lower development or progression of atherosclerosis, as this has proven to be one of the primary responsibility for developing the disease. But also there is another interesting fact. This study found that those patients who regularly ate apples had a decrease in levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation and instability of atherosclerotic plaque.
For this expert, although "no fruit can be compared with the effects of drugs, since statins (anti-cholesterol drugs) are essential in the effective treatment of hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis, since both lower levels of LDL-C-reactive protein, at least it has found its benefits. "
SPAIN. (AGENCIALAVOZ.ORG) Do not hesitate, nothing like eating an apple a day to maintain heart health. The Anglo-Saxon old saying 'an apple a day Keeps the doctor away '(an apple a day keeps the doctor away from you) I could not walk better targeted on the basis of the data presented during the Congress of Experimental Biology 2011, which is taking place these days in Washington (USA).
There, researchers at the University of Florida, led by Bahram Arjamandi have presented data from a study conducted with 160 women posmenopáuiscas between 45 and 65. Half of them ate an apple a day (75 grams per day for one year) while the rest (the control group) ingested the same amount but raisins. In all analytical underwent three, six and 12 months into the trial.
"Animal studies have found that pectin and polyphenols (quercetin and flavonoids, antioxidants found primarily in the skin of the fruit) improve the level of lipid metabolism and reduce the production of inflammatory molecules associated with cardiac risk, such as C-reactive protein, "says Dr. Arjamdandi.
some studies in humans also have found the benefits of apple (rich in fiber, vitamins A and C, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and flavonoids) in helping to prevent cancer, heart disease or improve the rate of glucose in type 2 diabetics .
Now, the expert from Florida and his team have found "incredible changes that occur in cholesterol levels after six months of eating an apple a day," said Bahram Arjamandi.
Thus, women who ate the fruit fell by 23% 'bad' cholesterol (LDL) and increased by 4% 'good' (HDL) compared to those who followed the diet of raisins. In addition, another advantage provided by the consumer Fruit 'miracle' is that, despite the consumption of 230 extra calories a day, this did not lead to weight gain. Quite the opposite: "the women who ate lost an average of almost 1,500 grams," they said. Rating
José Luis Zamorano, director of the Cardiovascular Institute Hospital Clínico San Carlos de Madrid, ELMUNDO.es recognizes that the study "demonstrates the protective power of the block in atherosclerosis. No doubt will be due to nutritional of it. This fruit is rich in pectin, a substance that has favorable properties in cholesterol metabolism. " It also aims to
that "caused the decline LDL cholesterol will help lower development or progression of atherosclerosis, as this has proven to be one of the primary responsibility for developing the disease. But also there is another interesting fact. This study found that those patients who regularly ate apples had a decrease in levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation and instability of atherosclerotic plaque.
For this expert, although "no fruit can be compared with the effects of drugs, since statins (anti-cholesterol drugs) are essential in the effective treatment of hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis, since both lower levels of LDL-C-reactive protein, at least it has found its benefits. "
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International Ciprofam complaint that there are over 300 million Christians are persecuted and the martyrs of the century.
PERU .- (AGENCIALAVOZ.ORG)" Persons who because of his religion are discriminated against, many of whom live every day the risk of being harassed, in some cases imprisoned, tortured and even their families are murdered or raped, where human rights are what we profess a religion different from the majority. "denounce the pastor José Linares Cerón rights at a conference Human XXI century, the event took place in a hotel downtown Miraflores in Peru.
According to the International Ciprofam report, the persecution of Christians was documented by the UN in December 2010. "The report exceeded our statistics, to really feel a huge pain, knowing that there are officially 300 million Christians who suffer and are killed by the indifference of governments and their brothers in faith," said Pastor Jose Linares Cerón , chairman of international Ciprofam.
The intensity of persecution has affected many countries, including the U.S., South Korea, Israel, Spain, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, etc. Moreover, totalitarian regime in Muslim countries and China, also increased censorship of religious publications. For example, Hong Zhou of East Turkistan is still imprisoned illegally by accepting a copy of the Bible. Liao
Tianqi, the China Information Center in the U.S., says that while China's Constitution stipulates that people have religious freedom, in fact, the scheme only allows religious organizations exist only approved by the state.
"We have information confirming that religious believers in China reached several tens of millions," said Liao, and because many believers do not recognize the church approved by the party, has led to the emergence of so-called underground churches families and a after another in China. The system is irrational and illogical to stifle these churches simply because they are considered means of influencing public opinion and challenge his power. "
According to Liao, a law professor at Washington and a devout Christian who went to China with his wife to do missionary work, was harassed and arrested for helping churches set up in different homes in the region. According to Liao said the man was convicted of "illegal religious activities Driving 'and then deported," For the Pastor Jian Chien, who was director of International Prayer Ministry International in China, was arrested, tortured and then killed. His body was found in the mountains. Harassment of foreign missionaries to prison just for the sake of giving a Chinese citizen, a religious form. At least 84 foreign missionaries were arrested, interrogated, deported or received other forms of persecution. The severe persecution of the church has grown to a dramatic 68.6 percent from 2006.De According to Fu, the Chinese government executed their persecution of Christians in a particular way. Fu revealed that first focus on the leaders of the churches, the persecution of Western Christians in China has reached the highest point, being the largest deletion Chinese religious followers since 1954.
Last Freedom Report Religion in the World, prepared by International Ciprofam and partner organizations, it is described by the situation of 198 countries. International Director of Ciprofam in Spain, Dr. Rosemary Girbau, noted that religious persecution "is increasing, in many countries in a violent manner, but in others, like the one you are living in Spain," is another type of persecution, more subtle. " Now they want to remove religious symbols than the sentence also in schools, I think it is important to involve civil society, we respect religious freedom and family love and life, serious commitments entities of influence and power, for no one dares to violate our civil rights. Ciprofam
International is an organization that works to defend the family, human dignity, tolerance and interfaith and address the people responsible for making decisions, and the general public to pay attention to cases of violation of freedom of worship throughout the world. The organization has about 36, millions of activists around the world. At the conference Dr. Girbau said converting from Islam to Christianity, or any other religion, is a dangerous business in Muslim lands. Under Shari'a law, conversions are considered a capital offense punishable with the death penalty in some states, and causing abuse and other surveillance tactics. One of the world's worst abuses of religious freedom is Saudi Arabia, guardian of Islamic holy sites of Mecca and Medina. Saudi Arabia forbids all other religions. Pastor Jose Linares Cerón recalled that last year about 200 thousand Christians were killed in hatred of their faith and about 300 million Christians live "under daily threats of death" in Muslim countries, China and Indian, Linares strongly demanded the United Nations and the European Union, to investigate and prosecute crimes of humanity to governments that protect and support the rights vioalción Humanos.Tomar urgent measures in defense of persecuted Christians. Also notice that if he persists this indifference will platters and public protests at embassies where they violate the human rights of our brothers in the faith
PERU .- (AGENCIALAVOZ.ORG)" Persons who because of his religion are discriminated against, many of whom live every day the risk of being harassed, in some cases imprisoned, tortured and even their families are murdered or raped, where human rights are what we profess a religion different from the majority. "denounce the pastor José Linares Cerón rights at a conference Human XXI century, the event took place in a hotel downtown Miraflores in Peru.
According to the International Ciprofam report, the persecution of Christians was documented by the UN in December 2010. "The report exceeded our statistics, to really feel a huge pain, knowing that there are officially 300 million Christians who suffer and are killed by the indifference of governments and their brothers in faith," said Pastor Jose Linares Cerón , chairman of international Ciprofam.
The intensity of persecution has affected many countries, including the U.S., South Korea, Israel, Spain, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, etc. Moreover, totalitarian regime in Muslim countries and China, also increased censorship of religious publications. For example, Hong Zhou of East Turkistan is still imprisoned illegally by accepting a copy of the Bible. Liao
Tianqi, the China Information Center in the U.S., says that while China's Constitution stipulates that people have religious freedom, in fact, the scheme only allows religious organizations exist only approved by the state.
"We have information confirming that religious believers in China reached several tens of millions," said Liao, and because many believers do not recognize the church approved by the party, has led to the emergence of so-called underground churches families and a after another in China. The system is irrational and illogical to stifle these churches simply because they are considered means of influencing public opinion and challenge his power. "
According to Liao, a law professor at Washington and a devout Christian who went to China with his wife to do missionary work, was harassed and arrested for helping churches set up in different homes in the region. According to Liao said the man was convicted of "illegal religious activities Driving 'and then deported," For the Pastor Jian Chien, who was director of International Prayer Ministry International in China, was arrested, tortured and then killed. His body was found in the mountains. Harassment of foreign missionaries to prison just for the sake of giving a Chinese citizen, a religious form. At least 84 foreign missionaries were arrested, interrogated, deported or received other forms of persecution. The severe persecution of the church has grown to a dramatic 68.6 percent from 2006.De According to Fu, the Chinese government executed their persecution of Christians in a particular way. Fu revealed that first focus on the leaders of the churches, the persecution of Western Christians in China has reached the highest point, being the largest deletion Chinese religious followers since 1954.
Last Freedom Report Religion in the World, prepared by International Ciprofam and partner organizations, it is described by the situation of 198 countries. International Director of Ciprofam in Spain, Dr. Rosemary Girbau, noted that religious persecution "is increasing, in many countries in a violent manner, but in others, like the one you are living in Spain," is another type of persecution, more subtle. " Now they want to remove religious symbols than the sentence also in schools, I think it is important to involve civil society, we respect religious freedom and family love and life, serious commitments entities of influence and power, for no one dares to violate our civil rights. Ciprofam
International is an organization that works to defend the family, human dignity, tolerance and interfaith and address the people responsible for making decisions, and the general public to pay attention to cases of violation of freedom of worship throughout the world. The organization has about 36, millions of activists around the world. At the conference Dr. Girbau said converting from Islam to Christianity, or any other religion, is a dangerous business in Muslim lands. Under Shari'a law, conversions are considered a capital offense punishable with the death penalty in some states, and causing abuse and other surveillance tactics. One of the world's worst abuses of religious freedom is Saudi Arabia, guardian of Islamic holy sites of Mecca and Medina. Saudi Arabia forbids all other religions. Pastor Jose Linares Cerón recalled that last year about 200 thousand Christians were killed in hatred of their faith and about 300 million Christians live "under daily threats of death" in Muslim countries, China and Indian, Linares strongly demanded the United Nations and the European Union, to investigate and prosecute crimes of humanity to governments that protect and support the rights vioalción Humanos.Tomar urgent measures in defense of persecuted Christians. Also notice that if he persists this indifference will platters and public protests at embassies where they violate the human rights of our brothers in the faith
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