SPAIN. (AGENCIALAVOZ.ORG) Do not hesitate, nothing like eating an apple a day to maintain heart health. The Anglo-Saxon old saying 'an apple a day Keeps the doctor away '(an apple a day keeps the doctor away from you) I could not walk better targeted on the basis of the data presented during the Congress of Experimental Biology 2011, which is taking place these days in Washington (USA).
There, researchers at the University of Florida, led by Bahram Arjamandi have presented data from a study conducted with 160 women posmenopáuiscas between 45 and 65. Half of them ate an apple a day (75 grams per day for one year) while the rest (the control group) ingested the same amount but raisins. In all analytical underwent three, six and 12 months into the trial.
"Animal studies have found that pectin and polyphenols (quercetin and flavonoids, antioxidants found primarily in the skin of the fruit) improve the level of lipid metabolism and reduce the production of inflammatory molecules associated with cardiac risk, such as C-reactive protein, "says Dr. Arjamdandi.
some studies in humans also have found the benefits of apple (rich in fiber, vitamins A and C, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and flavonoids) in helping to prevent cancer, heart disease or improve the rate of glucose in type 2 diabetics .
Now, the expert from Florida and his team have found "incredible changes that occur in cholesterol levels after six months of eating an apple a day," said Bahram Arjamandi.
Thus, women who ate the fruit fell by 23% 'bad' cholesterol (LDL) and increased by 4% 'good' (HDL) compared to those who followed the diet of raisins. In addition, another advantage provided by the consumer Fruit 'miracle' is that, despite the consumption of 230 extra calories a day, this did not lead to weight gain. Quite the opposite: "the women who ate lost an average of almost 1,500 grams," they said. Rating
José Luis Zamorano, director of the Cardiovascular Institute Hospital Clínico San Carlos de Madrid, ELMUNDO.es recognizes that the study "demonstrates the protective power of the block in atherosclerosis. No doubt will be due to nutritional of it. This fruit is rich in pectin, a substance that has favorable properties in cholesterol metabolism. " It also aims to
that "caused the decline LDL cholesterol will help lower development or progression of atherosclerosis, as this has proven to be one of the primary responsibility for developing the disease. But also there is another interesting fact. This study found that those patients who regularly ate apples had a decrease in levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation and instability of atherosclerotic plaque.
For this expert, although "no fruit can be compared with the effects of drugs, since statins (anti-cholesterol drugs) are essential in the effective treatment of hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis, since both lower levels of LDL-C-reactive protein, at least it has found its benefits. "
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